Eight years ago today, you came along Dylan and you made me a mama. You stole my heart. You rocked my world. You made a dream come true. And... all the other cliches, that are super cheesy but that everyone says with good reason.
I’ve learnt so much in the 2922 days since then; lessons about nappies and breastfeeding, lessons about routines and weaning, many many MANY lessons about geography and maths and science that I’d didn’t think I’d ever be learning. You amaze me daily with the things you know and remember and understand; your brain really is amazing.
Our little Dylan, you've always had a big heart, a sensible head been a bit of an old soul. So clever that you blow me away regularly. You're a loyal friend, an incredible brother, and such an affectionate little character. And I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for you.
So happy birthday, to my best brown eyed boy, my favourite eight year old. You rock my world little man... don't ever change.
x x x x
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