Well January is finally done... it always feels like the longest month ever, huh? And it feels like forever ago that I shared festive photos of us for our December Me + Mine Project. But here we are, excited to start another year of this project. And this will be our SEVENTH year of taking monthly family photos. Which feels kind of crazy to me. Because I still love taking them just as much, I still get excited to share them just as much, and I still love seeing other people's family photos as much as I did when I first started doing this all those years ago.
It's not always easy, but it is always, always, ALWAYS worth the effort, because we have amassed such a collection of family photos in that time... Photos that shout just how proud we are of our family, and of getting to call each other our own. I'm - quite frankly - a little obsessed now with the importance of grabbing my whole family and getting us all in the frame together.

This possibly won't come as a surprise to anyone who also joins in with The Siblings Project, but this year I am making some changes to how this project works. Changes that I think feel natural and right. So this year, while I will still continue to share our photos here on the blog each month, there will be no linky, and I would instead love people to come and join me over on Instagram to share their family photos. Instagram feels like the natural home for a photo based project, and I know that lots of people already join in on there anyway, simply by using #meandmineproject on their photos, but I'm hoping that we can build a fun and supportive community of people over there who all share a passion for photographing their families. Being on instagram also gives me the opportunity to give back a bit of love to those who join in, by sharing photos I have loved from the hashtag #meandmineproject on the last day of the month.
So I hope you'll join me over on instagram (and give me a follow if you aren't already!). And I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful family moments.
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