Oh Quinny Quinn, how is it possible? Our crazy, lovely, noisy little nutter is three years old.
It’s been a massive year for you; you've moved into a big girl bed, and into a bis girl shared room with your sister. You've potty trained like a total champ. You started preschool. And you became a big sister. And you've taken it all in your stride, with your signature cheeky smiles and playful nature.
You are a total firecracker gorgeous girly. You keep us guessing, you keep us on your toes. You have more drama in your little finger than most people have in their whole bodies. You have a million different facial expressions, a wicked sense of humour and we couldn’t possibly love you more. You're a sunshine in our lives; keeping us all smiling and laughing.
You've had a quiet, but perfect for your birthday... The croissants for breaskfast, a Trolls scooter, copious amounts of Duplo, sunshine so you could play in the garden, a rainbow birthday cake, and the weather even meant we could fulfil your request for a BBQ for dinner. I can’t think of a more perfect way to celebrate our favourite three year old.
Happy 3rd Birthday Ashlyn Quinn. I love you with all my heart.
x x x x

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