Rich is loving
* watching Jack Ryan on Prime.
* Christmas chocolate in the shops.
* eating Wahaca taco kits.
* making Wylder laugh.
* the League of Gentleman live show in Hammersmith.
Lucy is loving
* having one-to-one time with Wylder.
* Quinn's excited face at preschool pick up.
* sorting finishing touches for the girls' bedroom.
* loads of good new tv series starting.
* girls night out with her friends.
Dylan is loving
* being in Year 3.
* helping with Wylder's bath time.
* playing Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker.
* getting his Bronze times tables award.
* croissants dipped in nutella.
Everly is loving
* her swimming birthday party.
* having three lots of birthday cake and singing.
* playing make up.
* drawing pictures of her family.
* being SIX!
Quinn is loving
* going to preschool.
* Trolls blind bags.
* chicken nuggets and carrots from McDonalds.
* starting ballet class.
* her big girl bed.
Wylder is loving
* giggling at his brother and sisters.
* trying to find his thumb to suck on.
* rolling over.
* watching trees in the wind.
* milk.