Rich is loving
* seeing Madrid and Turin with work.
* a family day our at Chessington.
* the football season starting again.
* playing mini golf with the kids.
* the miniature train ride at Audley End.
Lucy is loving
* the sunny summer holiday we've had.
* a special week of fun days out as a family.
* taking pictures of all four children together each week.
* Wylder sleeping through the night.
* having her hair a bit shorter.
Dylan is loving
* being a daredevil at Chessington.
* adventure golf at Bear Creek.
* getting into the third Harry Potter book.
* being the most improved player at tennis camp.
* doing bottle flips in the garden.
Everly is loving
* being a fairy at Audley End.
* tickling Wylder's tummy to make him laugh.
* playing with Mummy's make up.
* the Jungle Bus ride at Chessington.
* picnic days out with her school friends.
Quinn is loving
* having her hair done.
* singing and dancing to Trolls songs.
* learning to put her arms in the air and scream on rides.
* being on stage at the Summer Festival at Audley End.
* seeing the Gruffalo at Chessington.
Wylder is loving
* his morning stretch.
* having all his big siblings at home.
* chewing his fingers.
* rolling onto his side.
* sleep.