I feel like I've rather outdone myself with the sibling photos this past month. Because I have them from a few different days, and there was no last minute rush job to get a snap of them all. I suspect it's because I'm basically obsessed with photos of these four together... I mean look at them, wouldn't you be? Although any close observers will notice that the set up and style is similar in them all (and very similar to last month's photos for The Siblings Project) because this seems to be the easiest way to get them all in the frame, and all relatively still, and all relatively happy.

It's been another month of settling into their groove as part of the new dynamics - dynamics that I suspect with grow and change a lot over the coming months. A lot of the time its still very much the big three together, and then Wylder; which is to be expected for obvious reasons. But Quinn in particular is definitely getting closer to her little brother, and I think their relationship will definitely become closer as he becomes more and more playful and interactive.

Right now we're all just counting down the days to the school holidays, and an entire six weeks of sibling time. Over the past week or so they all seem to be bickering and annoying one another more than they do normally, because end-of-term-itis has hit and they are all just hot and grumpy and tired. But I'm sure that six weeks to chill and just play together will be just what the doctor ordered to chase the grumps away.
I know plenty of people would dread the idea of four children, in close quarters, for six weeks. Not this mama. I just know that the slower pace and the together time will be so good for my little foursome, and that come September I will be devastated it's all over.

Beautiful colourful photos! I too love the summer holidays with my 2, it might not be as hectic as having 4, but I will always love the time with them. Enjoy your summer holidays x
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to this summer too, especially as it's our last before Indie starts school! xx
ReplyDeleteI must try lying them in a row what a great idea each month I think oh gosh, don't drop the baby and I am always having my hand underneath and then last minute jumping back to snap and then grabbing him again. lol B is getting good at holding him tight but still makes me nervous. I love your rainbow theme girl you rock the colors so well with your gorgeous crew. Baby boy is getting so big too. Why do they have to grow up? Gorgeous and well done for having a few on different days mine is last minute I am afraid this morning and still writing oops. I blame packing for America.
ReplyDeleteSuch happy little faces here. Your new arrival looks as though he has just slotted right in. I'm really looking forward to summer holidays too xx
ReplyDeleteSuch beautiful photos! I am so ready for the holidays too, I hope it doesn't go too quickly :(
ReplyDeleteSuch gorgeous smiley faces as usual Lucy. I love seeing your monthly pics of them all xx
ReplyDeleteWe have lots of end of term itis here too and cannot wait for tomorrow! Hope the chill out time does them the world of good and that this beautiful sunshine stays x
ReplyDeleteLove your photos so much - your children are gorgeous, always so happy and smiley!