After debuting their new line up as a foursome last month, this past month has been all about getting to know the littlest ones better. We were so so lucky to go on holiday to Ibiza at the beginning of this month, and it was definitely just what we all needed to help us settle into our new family set up.
I always feel like sibling relationships are strengthened by holidays. Yes, the fact there is so much together time brings it's fair share of arguments. But mostly it just brings so much opportunity to play together, learn together, explore together. And as parents it gives us the beautiful gift of time in which to sit back and watch those things happen.
There are so many relationships at play now between my four. There's the older two, the younger two, the odds, the evens, the bookends and the sandwich fillings. And they are each so unique and special and fascinating in their own ways.
With the older two it's always been more of an even playing field, with them being so close in age. And Dylan and Everly love each other fiercely, while also pushing each others buttons like no one else can. I love hearing their playground stories from school; where Everly has heard that Dylan got taken to the medical room and was worried, or where Dylan helped Everly to play in his game when she didn't want to play with her own friends anymore.
The little two are so adorable to watch. Quinn has blossomed into her big sister role so beautifully. There are times when we have to remind about gentle hands, and that Wylder isn't a doll she can pick up and play with. But she simply loves cooing over him, and he has returned his affections by bestowing upon her his very first smile. My biggest dream while pregnant was that the younger two may get to have the close bond that the big two have, and I feel like they've definitely started out on the right foot.
When it comes to my bookend boys; Dylan has continues to be the proudest big brother that anyone could ever ask for. He gets the most adorable look on his face whenever anyone talks about him being the big brother and what a special job that is. It's a job he's always taken very seriously. Throughout my pregnancy he was the most excited about a new baby, and Wylder's arrival made him downright emotional. He is just so happy to have another sibling, especially because it's a little boy. And he already talks to him about all the things he'll teach him as he grows up, and that he'll always be there to look after him. (This may have resulted in a wet eyed moment for me.)
Everly and Quinn's bond continues to make my heart swell. The sister thing was new and unfamiliar territory for me (having grown up with a brother) but I love seeing what they have. They are so similar in some ways, and so different in others. I simply love watching them play together now that they can both get so involved. Quinn is finally the little playmate that Everly has been waiting for her to grow into; someone who she can boss around, and who idolises her every move. Although I know without a shadow of a doubt that this relationship will be the one to keep us on our toes as parents... I suspect they'll drive each other mad as teenagers.
Four children definitely has its stressful moments. But so did life with three... and two, and one. We just have to look at them though, to know that every new grey hair and wrinkle is worth it. They learn so much from sharing their lives with one another, and I really hope they'll look back as adults and see each other as the greatest gifts that we could have given them. They are certainly my greatest gift.

Oh I can't believe how nicely Wylder has slotted into your little gang! These photos are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteOh Lucy your foursome makes me want another baby so badly. Mr P would NEVER allow it mostly because he is making sure it's impossible now. lol What a beautiful dynamic you get to watch grow everyday and be bless with each other. Big families are amazing as being a part of one I can't imagine life without all my siblings and all our memories together growing up. It's an amazing thing Glad your holiday went so well. You are so right it's a time to explore, adventure, and experience together. Family holidays are the best. I keep saying we need to do more with our family just us. We spend the holidays visiting so many all the time it's never just a nice hotel/beach type holiday maybe someday soon. Where we can soak in our new family dynamics without just always visiting other people if that makes sense. Love the outfits so beautiful, so bright, and lovely.
ReplyDeleteI love the balance that Wylder has created in your family. As a mum of three myself I can totally see why you'd want a fourth, but won't be following suit ;) x
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful bunch you have! Little Wylder is really part of the crew already.
ReplyDeleteThey are so adorable together. And I agree the bond definitely grows on holidays. xx #siblingsproject
ReplyDeleteAh your little gang! It's lovely to see that Wylder has settled into the gang and it looks like it was always meant to be. Family holidays are the best for that extra bonding time x
ReplyDeleteWhat precious photos, and you are right once you have children life is a bit chaotic and stressful at times so why not embrace it with more!! (Eddy might not agree though!)x