Rich is loving
* teaching the kids to ride their bikes.
* settling into some more routine.
* a weekend with family visiting.
* barbecuing and getting the garden sorted for summer.
* watching Jessica Jones.
Lucy is loving
* watching our brood of four bonding.
* St Tropez pre shower tanner.
* newborn smell.
* planning for holiday.
* May Day Fayre in our old village.
Dylan is loving
* being in the dance show
* being a big brother to a little brother.
* reading David Walliams' books.
* riding his bike without stabilisers.
* taking a bedtime shower instead of a bath.
Everly is loving
* showing off her baby at school.
* her Belle dress for the dance show.
* holding Wylder in her lap.
* changing out of her uniform after school.
* playing outside.
Quinn is loving
* strawberry mini milk lollies.
* watching Bubble Guppies.
* playing with Duplo for hours.
* wearing the same rainbow dress over and over again (I've bought a second one!)
* being in the garden.
Wylder is loving
* milk.
* swaddling.
* white noise.
* trying out his smile.
* car sleeps.