After the excitement and together time of last month, March has been so much quieter in comparison. The slower pace has been lovely actually. And the colder weather (hello Spring, are you ever coming?) has meant a lot of time hibernating together at home.
I can't get enough of watching these three play together these days. They are all at such lovely ages that they can enjoy things together as a unit, and while I often do have to step in and break up the odd fall out, and the volume often goes through the roof; its so lovely to see them truly enjoying one another as friends. I think all parents hope that when they give their child a sibling, they are giving them a friend for life, but of course it's never a guarantee. And it's just lovely getting to see that little dream come true as I watch my little trio.
I've had all sorts of issues with the linky this month, and I cannot get it to play ball; so please just tag me in your posts on Instagram and Twitter, as I can't wait to see.

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