Rich is loving
* finishing Quinn's bedroom.
* watching Vikings.
* eating tacos.
* listening to new podcasts.
* trampolining.
Lucy is loving
* doing crochet again.
* quiet weekends at home.
* getting to enjoy Harry Potter all over again with Dylan.
* starting to buy bits for the baby.
* how much Quinn's talking has exploded this past month.
Dylan is loving
* reading Harry Potter.
* reading Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
* playing Nintendo Switch.
* going to his best friend's birthday party.
* his tennis club.
Everly is loving
* reading her school books.
* Lush bubble bars.
* playing with her lego.
* having a wobbly tooth.
Quinn is loving
* helping Mummy sort the washing.
* eating... all day long if she could.
* stealing Daddy's mini eggs.
* playing with playdoh.
* her hat (she won't leave the house without it!).