Well gorgeous girly, where did those two years go? Our little Quinny Quinn... two!
You are our ray of sunshine. You are our funny little girl. You are so quick to smile, and even quicker to laugh. Just the happiest little person that I've ever known. Your are cheeky and hilarious, and you have a way of making us all laugh that seems way beyond your years.
You still don't say much, but what you do say is LOUD. And that suits you, you are a contradiction; loud but quiet, brave but shy.
The girl with a million faces... seriously... so. many. facial expressions. And they each tell a different story. So effectively that you don't really need to say very much out loud, because you're saying it loud and clear in your own way.
So happy birthday to my new favourite two year old. What an amazing year it's been, and what an amazing little girl you are.
We love you so very much Quinn.
Have a very happy second birthday.

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