It doesn't seem possible that our little Everly is five. Five seem so grown up. But then it also seems crazy that you are only five, because you really do seem like such a grown up little lady.
It's still kind of early days with school, but so far you are absolutely loving it. You run in each morning with a big excited smile. You already seem to know everyone by name; which is a bit of a special skill of yours. We're so proud of fantastic you've been. And as much as I miss having you at home, it's lovely to see you having a little independent life of your own and to see you blossoming before my eyes.
You are a crazy, bubbly little character, and we are always laughing at the funny things you do and say. You're always singing and dancing, and making up little games and stories with your amazing imagination. And you often go off onto Planet Everly and are totally in your own world. I love just watching you being you; your innocence and confidence to just be what want to be.
Every single day of the past five years being your mummy has been such a total gift. I feel so lucky and so proud to call you mine. You are quite simply a star and I love you with all my heart.
Happy fifth birthday beautiful girly.
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