the siblings project {july}

I'm not sure where the last month has gone, but it's definitely run away from me a bit. It doesn't seem that long ago that I posted my last post for The Siblings Project, and here I am again. The past month has been all about fun in the sun; and my little band of adventurers are definitely happiest outside, and together, and it without a doubt brings them closer together... so I absolutely can not wait for the school holidays to finally start. Six weeks of together time and exploring and playing and fun. And probably arguing and annoying one another too, but that's all part of the sibling experience I'd say.

Mostly I'm looking forward to a slowed down pace of life. I won't miss the morning hustle to get out of the door for school. And I can't wait for things to just feel a little less rushed. Like taking photos... at the last minute... when you realise you've run out of days in the week and hours in the day, and you still haven't had a chance to grab those photos you need for a post... and the kids are already in their jimjams... yeah, I am looking forward to just having a bit more time that is all ours.

I can't wait to see what you all have to share this month, and make sure you pop by my cohosts (Amber, Carie, Donna, Katie, Keri-Anne and Natalie) to see what they've been up to this month too.

The Siblings Project - Dear Beautiful

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  1. I think the chilled out PJ shots are lovely! Hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday!

  2. Having a slower pace of life is one of my favourite things about the summer holidays. Hope you all have a good one. I love that last photo of your three together. Thanks for hosting the #siblingsproject

  3. Lovely, fun and smiley photos! I am so looking forward to the holidays, too, and not having to rush about in the mornings. Hope you all have a great break x

  4. Quinn totally steals the show doesn't she! I'm so excited for relaxed mornings and seeing where he day takes us too xx

  5. I'm with you on this month having completely run away with me - it seems no time at all since the last set of photos, and yes thank goodness for the summer holidays so we can all slow down a bit - well in my case, the kids can but I still have to go to work! - and fingers crossed for some sunshine in which to enjoy it all!

  6. I'm totally with you on the month having run away with itself - surely it was only last week we were posting June's pictures! And yay for the end of term and the start of the summer holidays - I think we all need to slow down and have a few pyjama mornings, even if I then have to get up and go to work - maybe very early in the morning pyjama mornings are the answer!

  7. I am so looking forward to those relaxed mornings too and not feeling like I have definitely forgotten something!

  8. The past month has flown by. I, like you, am looking forward to the lazy days of summer

  9. I love the chilled PJ shots and full of colour. I can't wait for the slower days and no routine x

  10. Such a gorgeous trio! The months really do get away from you don't they! x

  11. Such a fun set of pictures of your trio and they all look so summery! Hope you have a fab summer!

  12. They're so cute Lucy! It doesn't matter that the photos were last minute or that they're in their pyjamas, they're still beautiful, natural shots. My two are so ready for the holidays too x

  13. Oh look at their outfits. They are so gorgeous here together laughing away. So much fun being had by each one of them. The time is just flying by each year faster and faster. Look at Quinny's hair here so beautiful so long all the sudden too. WOW. Hope you guys have an amazing summer.

  14. They certainly look ready for a summer of fun! We're into our third week of holidays already, and I wholeheartedly agree with the slowing down being the nicest part. Enjoy!

  15. Oh my gosh Lucy your children are gorgeous - I am loving those PJs! Your littlest is getting closer in age to the others as time goes by - they'll all be the same size eventually! x

  16. Those beautiful babies of yours all sunkissed and Quinney with that very blonde hair. Just perfect xx

  17. Lovely natural photos. Enjoy your summer holidays! :-)

  18. i love their vibrant coloured PJs so cute! hope you have some great summer holidays with lots of new memories to make!

  19. I always love how bright and happy your photo's are! #Siblings

  20. These are such fab colourful photos - who cares if they're in their PJs! #SiblingsProject

  21. Gorgeous photos! I hope the summer holidays are going well for you so far x


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