Rich is loving
* the new floor.
* hosting a Father's Day barbecue.
* helping manage a little team at the football festival.
* that mini eggs are back!
* the new Royal Blood album.
Lucy is loving
* enjoying the sunshine in our garden.
* our lovely new living room and playroom floor.
* having Jenny and kiddos to stay for the weekend.
* a beautiful afternoon at the beach.
* making weekend vlogs.
Dylan is loving
* playing in the paddling pool.
* his new gallery wall.
* meeting his new Year 2 teacher.
* his tennis classes.
* one-on-one reading time at bedtime.
Everly is loving
* her taster days at big school.
* being outside in the garden.
* mini Magnum ice creams.
* summer dresses.
* picking bits for her room makeover.
Quinn is loving
* strawberries, strawberries and more strawberries.
* watching Peppa Pig.
* eating peas with her fingers.
* dancing.
* giggling like crazy when she's tickled.