Oh my goodness, happy sixth birthday Dylan, our amazing, thoughtful, gentle, clever, crazy little guy.
All you wanted for your birthday was books, and that says it all really. You're such a little smarty pants, and there is nothing on this earth that you don't want to learn all about.
Things are about to change massively, with us moving house, and away from the only place you've ever lived. It feels like a massive milestone to us, but we know it's a change that you'll take in your stride, like you always do.
It's hard to put into words what an amazing character you are. You just seem to get more and more and fascinating and funny with each year, and being your mummy makes me so incredibly proud every single day.
You rock my world Mr.
And you have ever since you arrived in the world.
I love you so so much you fantastic little loon.
Happy sixth birthday beautiful boy!
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