The map obsession continues with this one; old maps, new maps, artistic maps, technical maps, globes, poster... he's not fussy, and he'll spend hours staring at them and taking it all in, finding the countries and cities that interest him most, talking about what continent they belong to. He gave us a bit of scare too this week, when what seemed like a simple cold suddenly left him gasping for breath; a call to out of hours resulted in a visit from an ambulance, but fortunately it wasn't anything too serious and he's bounced back quickly.

She's always been such a walking contradiction; she can be a total wild child, bouncing from crazy game to crazy game, singing a song, pretending to be a popstar, while bouncing on the bed in a cloud of messy hair and noise. But she can also be so incredibly grown up, sensitive and caring. This week I sent her to collect her shoes, ready to head home from my mums, and she came back with her shoes and my nan's walking stick... simply because she knew G.Nan was going home too, and she thought she would want it. Totally unprompted. She just seems to be in tune to peoples' needs and feelings in a way that is wise beyond her years.

This little sunshine is such a total hoot to be around at the moment. Just in this past week she has worked out how to climb up onto the sofa, has learnt to blow kisses, and has given about a million cuddles. Having never shown any interest whatsoever in the television, she's suddenly showing a fondness for The Teletubbies, and for good old Mr Tumble. And speaking of fondness, she's head over heels in love with her cat Kit; every nap and night time in the past week, we've found them snuggled up together... and of the million cuddles she's doled out this week, he's easily been on the receiving end of half.
What gorgeous children you have and such beautiful smiles from all 3
ReplyDeleteYou seem to capture them so perfectly! Such beautiful little ones :) xx
ReplyDeleteBeautiful family! #livingarrows
ReplyDeleteThat 'Maps# book is fantastic isn't it? I quite like looking at it myself and there is so much information in it. I adore these photos, especially the one of your littlest, I love it when they don't have all of their teeth! So cute! #LivingArrows x
ReplyDeleteEvery time I hear more about Dylan he just sounds so mature and studious. Such a wonderful little guy. The girls just look so much fun, so caring - you have such lovely kids Lucy x
ReplyDeleteWhat gorgeous photos and adorable children! My older boy is also obsessed with geography at the moment and it all started with the 'Maps' book - we have the original one, in Polish, though as I'm bilingual (along with my son) :) it's crazy how much he's picked up from that book - he knows all sorts of facts now as well as all the capital cities - definitely testing our knowledge on the more far away countries :) xx #LivingArrows