YOU ARE FOUR!!! Four!?! Four sounds so much more grown up than three somehow I think. Maybe because a three year old is still a little bit toddler, but a four year old is a proper child. You're 100% little girl now. You are so ready to be four.
Last year in your birthday letter I said... "You are messy, you are creative, you are super sharp and don't miss a trick, you are silly, you completely know your own mind, you are our little sunshine, you are more than a little bit chaotic, but loving you is just the greatest adventure ever" and I really feel like those words still describe you so well. You might be my baby in the middle, but nothing about you blends in or gets lost in the crowd. You weren't my first, nor my last, but yet I've still learnt so much from being your Mummy. And we all know that the best bit of a sandwich is the filling in the middle, right?
You have such an amazing spirit. You are so funny and always have us laughing at something you've said or done, in fact we are starting to feel like comedy might be your thing as you go through life. You just have this warm personality that makes people laugh. You have so many friends, and will always, without fail, make sure you say hello to everyone you know... and a lot of the time people that you don't know too. The whole world is a friend you haven't met yet, and I love that innocence in you.
You are the kindest and most sensitive little person I've ever known. You just seem to be so in tune with how people are feeling and how you can help them feel happy. The past year has seen you become a big sister and you've rocked it every single day. You were born to be a big sister, and I'm still not tired of seeing you in that role. Ashlyn adores you, and you are the best little mini mummy that she (and I) could have asked for.
I can't believe that four years have passed since you came along and stole our hearts. It sounds like such a long time, but at the same, it doesn't sound long enough.
We love you so much Everly Grace. Always be as you as you are right now, because you are so beautiful perfect in all your wild, messy, gentle, loud, sensitive, happy little way.
Happy fourth birthday.
x x x
You can read her first, second and third birthday letters if you want to see how much she's changed.
And because taking photos with a FOUR YEAR OLD is always fun, I got tons of different photos of her traditional birthday snap, so here are some more...

The age '4' does make them sound so grown up, '3' is very much still toddler. I will have a 7 year old in February - practically an early teen! ;) hope she has a wonderful birthday xx
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday gorgeous girl! My daughter turned four last month and I know exactly what you mean, they no longer have a label like 'baby or toddler'. They are now a little girl and that feels like such a milestone. What a beautiful girl inside and out X
ReplyDeleteWow...such a lovely message. Cant wait for my girls to hit one year and start counting...you must be a proud mother...such a lovely girl
ReplyDeleteAh 4 already...I hope she had a brilliant day! x
ReplyDelete4 is SO GROWN UP! M is already asking when his next birthday is so he can be 5. Hope she had a lovely day.
ReplyDeleteThis is a lovely message - hope she had a wonderful day. :) - Helen
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I have had this in my email forever to SAY a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GIRL! 4 years old is that big milestone that transitioning into the big world of school girl and big girl responsibilities. She is just beautiful Lucy you raise gorgeous gorgeous and happy children. Keep having them.
ReplyDeleteHow is she FOUR?????!!!!! It seems impossible. Such a big girl now. I hope you all had a wonderful day x