The extra dimension that a third child has added to the dynamics between our children just fascinates me. I made no secret of how much I always loved watching the bond and relationship at play between my oldest two, and adding another child into the mix just means that there are so many more bonds and relationships to enjoy.
While the biggest two remain thick as thieves and the absolute best of friends; as they are growing we are also seeing more of the pushing each other's buttons that is such an essential part of growing up with a sibling. I have to confess that I actually kind of enjoy watching them wind each other up, push each other a little too far, bicker over silly things and then find ways to resolve it. Because isn't that the big life lesson that you get from growing up with a brother or sister? You learn how to argue, how to problem solve, how to get your own way and how to come out the other side of negotiations and remain friends. And my biggest two are doing all of that in spades. They decide they want things only when they know the other one does, they deliberately annoy one another or tell the other to do something they know they shouldn't, but they also share and play together so nicely, and defend each other fiercely.

On the most part our baby girl she looks at her older sister like she can't decide what to make of her. Our biggest girl is loud, in her face and little bit of wild one; and I'm not entirely sure that she 'gets' her yet but my goodness does she find her funny. And our big girl doesn't half dote on her little sister though, constantly asking to talk to her, to cuddle her, to sing her a song and calling her "my gorgeous girl". She is the ultimate mini mummy, and I have no doubt that they will get closer and closer as they grow. I have a funny feeling that those girls might be a force to be reckoned with once the littlest has picked up all the biggest ones best tricks.
But the bond between my biggest and my littlest is very different and it simply melts my heart. Our little boy is so careful and gentle with his baby sister - the baby sister he so wanted and patiently waited for. He likes to help me with her, undoing her clothes at nappy changes, sponging her clean in the bath, and rocking her in the car seat when they wait to leave the house for school. He loves to sit on my bed and look into her crib in the mornings and sing "You are my sunshine" to her when she first wakes up in the morning... which just makes me want to cry with pride. And she absolutely lights up when she sees him, something about him just enchants her.