Daddy is loving
* watching things on Amazon video.
* visiting Vienna for work.
* playing Call of Duty.
* a nice day out as a five in London.
* eating Christmas chocolates.
Mummy is loving
* a lovely day in London seeing The Snowman.
* planning baby blankets to make for friends.
* seeing how many friends the beautiful boy has made at school.
* how much the beautiful girl loves her dance classes.
* that our little lady loves sleep so much.
The beautiful boy is loving
* anything and everything to do with shapes.
* holding onto the buggy when we walk to school.
* his special afternoons with Mummy at school.
* reading everything in sight.
* eating "Mister Choc" bars.
The beautiful girl is loving
* watching Frozen Fever on a loop.
* helping with her baby sister's nappy changes.
* singing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas".
* pizza.
* jam on toast.
The beautiful little lady is loving
* sleep.
* milk.
* cuddles.
* smiling at people.
* bath time with her big bro and sis.