he has been counting down the days to his half term holiday,
can't wait to enjoy some family time (especially with his new sister)
and has changed from the world's slowest eater to the world's fastest, seemingly overnight.

she is such a total mini-mummy,
who wants to smother her baby sis with attention and cuddles the entire time,
and has graduated from babyballet with her final certificate (which she's very proud of.)

she is just, quite simply, the baby jackpot,
a chilled, content little thing who loves watching us all,
nearly as much as she loves milk and sleep.
Major broodiness right now. Little lady is just beautiful! Along with your other two. Is BB having school dinners at school? Kai use to be really fussy but since school he seems to be wanting to try new foods. Well done to BG on graduating baby ballet :) xx