Daddy is loving
* our newest little baby being here.
* a lovely last day out as a foursome.
* celebrating his birthday.
* seeing how gentle the bigger two are with the baby.
* The Walking Dead being back on television.
Mummy is loving
* being a family of five.
* how proud the beautiful boy is of his newest sister.
* autumn adventures in the woods.
* what an adorable little mini mummy the beautiful girl is.
* that newborn smell.
The beautiful boy is loving
* trips to the park after school.
* his new baby sister.
* going to football training with Daddy.
* practising writing in cursive like he does at school.
* half term holidays to chill out at home.
The beautiful girl is loving
* being a big sister.
* showing us all she's learning at dance class.
* playing with play dough.
* watching Frozen and singing along.
* apricot yoghurts.
The beautiful little lady is loving
* milk.
* cuddles.
* having warm feet.
* watching her big brother and sister.
* sleep.