Sometimes the best little adventures are the surprise ones... the ones you didn't plan, or planned differently, and they end up being amazing fun. For our adventure this week, we found ourselves with an hour to spare on a weekday afternoon, and itchy feet to get out and do something. A brief check of the list of local spots we want to visit this year, and we hopped in the car headed for a nearby country park. Only half way there the traffic ground to a halt, and suddenly it looked like we might waste our adventure time sitting in the car. Some quick thinking, a quick u-turn and a change of direction later and we found ourselves on a whole different adventure.
We popped to a local craft centre, thinking we could have a browse of the shops, maybe get a slice of cake and call that our adventure... until we discovered some climbing equipment, and suddenly a simple adventure turned into a gymnastics lesson which saw the children negotiating equipment that at face value looked far too big for them, but which with a little help and guidance they quickly got the hang of.
I think these sort of teaching opportunities are so valuable for everyone in a family. We all got a major kick out of it; for the kids from learning new skills, and for us grown ups from facilitating that learning. Balancing, climbing, jumping, hanging; we had a go at them all in abundance. And as the pictures show... it's hard to tell who was having the most fun.

^ slowly but surely mastering the balance beam

^ he nailed the wobbly bridge

^ just call him action man (or giant child)

^ she wanted a helping hand with the steeper beams

^ teaching some monkeying skills

^ big kid... and little kid
This year we are embarking on a challenge to have an adventure every single week... 52 adventures!!! They may be big excited adventures or simple ones close to home, but we want to have a 2015 full of adventures and full of amazing memories.
adventure 1 : fresh air
adventure 2 : windy walk
adventure 3 : the swedish interiors boutique
adventure 4 : castle park
adventure 5 : donut days
adventure 6 : a birthday in london
adventure 7 : signs of spring
adventure 8 : a stroll along the prom
adventure 9 : meals full of happy
adventure 10 : backyard adventures
adventure 11 : the disney dream
adventure 12 : beach hut days
adventure 13 : down on the farm
adventure 14 : little easter moments
adventure 16 : sunday lunch
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