Daddy is loving
* feeling the baby kick for the first time.
* heading 'up north' for a few days.
* seeing the beautiful girl's face on the In The Night Garden ride in CBeebies Land.
* finding out Flump's gender.
* taking the beautiful boy on the big flumes at Splash Landings.
Mummy is loving
* seeing Flump again at our 20 week scan and finding out the gender (big reveal coming soon!)
* sunshiny days at the seaside, RHS gardens and the bluebell woods.
* maternity jeans... how did I cope without them in previous pregnancies?
* a lovely mini break to Alton Towers with our besties.
* finally feeling some little baby wiggles.
The beautiful boy is loving
* absolutely anything to do with space.
* the Octonauts ride at Alton Towers.
* white chocolate spread sandwiches.
* watching Miles From Tomorrow on Disney Jr.
* reading his books from preschool (and everything else for that matter.)
The beautiful girl is loving
* reading BabyLit's Pride and Prejudice over and over again.
* wearing flower head bands and acting like a hippy.
* stealing Mummy's chocolate pillows at breakfast time.
* the In The Night Garden boat ride.
* eating strawberries.