me and mine {april}

Daddy is loving
* having fun on the farm.
* the baby scan.
* a day in Amsterdam.
* date night at Chop Bloc.
* catching up with relatives in Rhyl.

Mummy is loving
* seeing Flump for the first time.
* that the beautiful boy got into the school we wanted.
* watching the beautiful girl play so imaginatively.
* that the sunshine has come to play.
* afternoon adventures in fields of yellow.

The beautiful boy is loving
* telling everyone that Mummy has a baby in her tummy.
* telling everybody that he is going to big school.
* naming Flump either Jon or Kate depending on whether its a brother or sister.
* reading anything he can get his hands on.
* his new shark t-shirt.

The beautiful girl is loving
* early morning sleepy cuddles.
* eating cottage pie.
* playing fairies and pirates.
* singing! All. The. Time.
* wearing jelly shoes.

I cannot believe another month has flown by in the blink of an eye. I seem to say it every single month, but as of now we are a third of the way through 2015 and that just feels completely crazy to me. This month has been kind of a big one for us; with a trip away to see family, Easter shenanigans,  school allocation news and finally being able to share the big news that our family is growing later this year. 

And although May is technically the Spring still, I always feel like it signals the start of our summer, and I cannot wait for all the Summery adventures we're planning as a family. It kind of feels like it will be a kind of 'end of an era' summer before Autumn brings it's changes; with big school fast approaching for one, preschool looming for another, and the big changes of a new addition for us all. It really feels like we need to grab this summer and bottle it up, and thats exactly what we intend to do.

I don'r normally share quite so many similar family photos each month, but this next one nearly ended up on the cutting room floor, except I kept coming back to it and just couldn't not include it. It's clearly pretty imperfect with blowing hair and hidden faces, but something about it just makes me smile so hard. This is what my bonkers little family is like and I wouldn't have them any other way. That teeny tiny bump that you can't even really see is going to be so lucky to join this little team.

This month I am sending you to visit "the other Lucy", my very lovely Me and Mine cohost over at Capture by Lucy. She will without a doubt have a beautiful family post for you, and a snap of her with her gorgeous boys too. 

Keep following the circle around to see the other cohosts too and visit as many of the link ups as you can. It always gives me a good case of the warm and fuzzies visiting your posts, and I can't wait to see all the family loveliness you have to link up with us this month. Don't forget that by linking up with us, you stand a chance of winning a prize with our Me and Mine sponsor PhotoBox.

dear beautiful

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  1. Huge congratulations to you all, this little baby certainly will be very lucky! Sounds like it's been an important month full of happy news for you. And your pictures, as always, are really beautiful. Thanks for co-hosting xx

  2. Love your pictures sweetie. And I love your tiny bump! Can't wait to see you grow as a family xxx

  3. Beautiful photos and congratulations on your future arrival of a new baby boy. Look forward to hearing about your growing bump and family. Happy Spring!

  4. Such beautiful photos! Oilseed is such a fantastic vibrant background! And massive congratulations :) xx

  5. Really lovely photographs and looking forward to seeing flump grow over the next few months of Me and Mine xx

  6. Lovely photos, you children's faces make me smile. All of you look so happy and you have lots to be excited about this month! xx

  7. Lovely photos Lucy. I particularly love the second one because you can just see your lovely little bump joining in with the photo :) And also the third one as it is just so playful and natural. I love that the boy is enjoying telling everyone that you have a baby in your belly; I think Ava will (hopefully) be the same one day. Sleepy cuddles, Cottage Pie and Jelly shoes - your girl has great taste! Thanks for hosting xx

  8. Such a gorgeous photo! I love the yellow fields! Congratulations on baby number 3! You have such a gorgeous family!

  9. Sounds like the perfect month, Flump is a very lucky baby. x

  10. Oh what gorgeously sunny pictures - they look like they could be from August as much as April! My Me and Mine pictures from last year are some of my absolute favourites ever, watching the bump grow and grow and then turn into Pip, and I know you're going to have just as much fun this year!

  11. Aww these are lovely. I love the colours, especially with your top and BG's dress x

  12. Beautiful photos. Very summery. And a big congratulations on the pregnancy.

    Rebecca x x

  13. Gorgeous photos, it looks as though it could be the middle of summer! Congratulations on your news as well, very exciting :)

  14. Such gorgeous photos Lucy! What a beautiful family you are. I love how the colours of your clothes match the colours of the blog :) Amelia x

  15. Lovely summery photos, you all look so happy, and I love the one that nearly ended on the cutting room floor :) Congratulations on baby number 3, it will be fun seeing your bump grow over the coming months xx

  16. Beautiful photos and a huge congratulations - am sure I can see a teeny tiny bump in the photo where you are all looking a bit windswept. How lovely to have seen Flump on scan and so glad that your beautiful boy got into the school you wanted too. Sounds like this year is going to be a very eventful one for you all. Thanks for hosting #meandmine :-)

  17. These are such lovely photos! I love BG's face in the third one! x

  18. Gorgeous photos (as always) and hello little bump! :) xx

  19. Hello to your family of 5 photo! I can't wait to see your lovely photos with your growing bump, also your baby should feature near the end of the year!

  20. Lovely photos of your growing family! Congratulations!

  21. beautiful photos and huge congratulations!

  22. Lovely photos, you all look so happy. And very exciting to see your little bump in them, congratulations! x

  23. A lovely family for your bump to join. Beautiful photos, as always!

  24. Gorgeous photos as always and a massive congratulations!! :-) #meandmine xx

  25. I love these photos, the yellow in the background is a beautiful setting. Congrats on your bump!
    Sabrina xx

  26. Such gorgeous photos and how wonderful to be hiding a baby in there too! Cannot WAIT to see bump grow every month! x

  27. Beautiful pics of a beautiful family! So excited for you with all this year holds... And I think you're right... Just bottle this summer up and keep its precious memories stored nice and tight. We are pretty much in exactly the same boat with new arrival and starting school, and the changes feel big and scary. I have loved this season of preschoolers and I feel a little sad to be saying goodbye to this era, so I'm kind of glad there's a few of us all going through it t the same time. Ŵe'll have our consolation tissues at the ready in September. Love your little bump... You are looking lovely! X

  28. Congratulations once again Lucy. Lovely photos! I love 'yellow field' adventures with my family too :) xx

  29. As always lovely photos, I somehow missed the sun this month. So glad your son got into the school you wanted, that is always a worry. I'm sure you will enjoy this summer. It sounds like you will have lots of changes come September x

  30. Huge Congratulations to you and your family! Such fab colourful photos :)
    Becky xx

  31. Beautiful, happy photos, Lucy! Your tiny little bump is very sweet. xx


  32. A massive congratulations about the new baby, that is wonderful news.

    I love the family photos too - rape seed fields are just magical I think. :) x

  33. Oh what BEAUTIFUL photos. And I always love how you dress your children, by the way - your son's top is magnificent!

  34. I am so excited this is the first month I have linked up and have been meaning to for a while, I love this linky thank you so much for hosting, and your photos are beautiful the colours a gorgeous x


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