The Easter Egg Hunt is without doubt the best bit of Easter in our family... apart from the long weekend of family time of course. It makes me giddy just watching the children's excited faces as they run around in search for the eggs the Easter Bunny has left for them. I always feel like I'm making a little bit of magic when I go out to hide them, and although the whole things always seems to be over as soon as it's begun; it is the most fun.
We didn't do egg hunts as children ourselves. I just don't think Easter was quite so big as it is now (something I think we have our American friends to thanks for) but I for one love that it's a proper little holiday in our house and not just about getting handed a chocolate egg in a box.
However the result of never having had hunts as kids, is that when I began setting this year's up in my mum and dad's garden, my brother and mum started saying how sad they both were that they had never done a hunt themselves. I don't think that they were hinting, just merely looking forward to getting to witness the children enjoy theirs. But luckily for them, Rich had seriously over purchased on the mini chocolate eggs that I put inside the big plastic ones, so I had ton left over. So while I was in the garden I also hid all of the surplus eggs in higher, harder to reach spots. I then went inside to tell the kiddos that the Easter Bunny had been, and also surprised Nanny and Uncle Matt with a bag each to go hunting too.
It's hard to say who enjoyed it most. Or who was the most competitive. Lets just say that I've always blamed the beautiful boy's mega competitive streak on his daddy, but maybe some of it came from my side after all.

^ I love compiling the Easter baskets; books, a rabbit, some chocolate and letter banner for her...

^ and a book, more chocolate, another letter banner and a game of snap in his.

This year we are embarking on a challenge to have an adventure every single week... 52 adventures!!! They may be big excited adventures or simple ones close to home, but we want to have a 2015 full of adventures and full of amazing memories.
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