This particular adventure is definitely an annual family favourite of ours. Every Easter we venture to Wales to visit Rich's aunt and uncle who own a farm there, and every year it seems like the children love it a little bit more than the year before.
Rich used to spend a lot of his school holidays visiting the farm as a child, and then mucking in and helping more and more as he grew into his teens. He talks so so fondly of childhood memories made there and I know it means the world to him to be giving his children those same memories. Even before we had the children we would go each Spring to visit, it really is the best time with all the new lambs springing around. There are often orphaned ones to bottle feed, as well as calves and chicks to see.
This is real, working, unpolished farming and we all love it. It's a far cry from going to visit tourist attraction farms... and I think its a real treat that we get to be a part of it. It made a massive impression on both the children this year as they got to feed the pigs and cows, collect eggs and meet a newly born lamb. We already can't wait until next time.

^ getting stuck in with pig feeding

^ counting Uncle Meirion's sheep... we lost count pretty quickly, there are far too many

^ exploring in Auntie Ann's garden

^ letting the chickens out...

^ ... and feeding them some breakfast

This year we are embarking on a challenge to have an adventure every single week... 52 adventures!!! They may be big excited adventures or simple ones close to home, but we want to have a 2015 full of adventures and full of amazing memories.
You can just see the joy on their little faces... Bless them! So precious to be able to pass down memories of your own childhood to your children!