me and you {august}

Over our years together,
we've had a lot of stand out days,
those amazing, take-your-breath-away days,
when you can't believe how lucky your are.
And it's been a privilege to share those days with this man;
my best friend, my partner in life.

Of course there have been plenty of special but normal 'every days' in between too,
and the not so amazing ones.
But somewhere in the hubbub of life,
every once in a while,
we take time to stop 
and look at just how lucky we got.
To thank our lucky stars,
for all the 'one days' that have been
and all the 'one days' we are yet to see,
and for having each other to share the 'one days' with.

August started with us waking up in a big comfy bed in Laura Ashley's The Manor,
where we were away celebrating five years of being Mr and Mrs.
So we had to take our photo there and then really,
on our five years and one day anniversary as man and wife.
Five years of ups and downs,
arguments and cuddles,
excitement and fear,
special days and every days.
Five years of sharing a journey with one person,
a journey which has given us amazing things,
five years which have left the next five with some big boots to fill.

Do pop by Becky, Fritha and Kirsty
to see the couples portraits they have to share this month.
And link up your own too,
we love seeing them all.

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  1. What a gorgeous photo. So simple but it says so so much. Happy 5 year anniversary, the Laura Ashley The Manor looks amazing!

  2. this might be my favourite picture of yours from this series! Stunning, you should definitely frame this one. I love what you wrote too, sharing a journey, it's a constant journey of ups and downs isn't it, but so wonderful to be sharing it with your best friend. xx

  3. Such a gorgeous photo, capturing a beautiful moment. Here's to the next 5 years for you both x

  4. Love this photo so much Lucy, you both look like your'e in a moment of your own.

  5. As Fritha said, you have to frame this one, it's such a lovely photo; there's something so very comfortable and relaxed about it - a happiness that comes from familiarity and being utterly at ease.

  6. This is a gorgeous photo- I wanted to say what Carie said above but she says it better- just so familiar and at ease.x

  7. Such a beautiful photo of you both. Happy 5th anniversary and wishing you many more years of happiness ahead :-)

  8. What a beautiful capture - Love this pic x Ax
    Instagram: @littlemissalba
    Twitter: @littlemissalba

  9. I echo every comment above, this photo is gorgeous. You need to get it framed. I love the light, the colours, everything about it!

  10. I absolutely adore this photo! xx

  11. This is a stunning photo, I LOVE it. You should frame it up for your bedroom.

  12. Your words are always so beautiful and I love your photos!!

  13. Oh this has to be my favourite of all your Me and You photos. It's beautiful. Agreed with everyone else, it's definitely one for a frame x

  14. I love this picture, this would lovely up on the wall, I am quite jealous where you went. Congrats on 5 years xx

  15. oh my how beautiful is that photo, beats mine this month from my shoddy replacement phone looks so fuzzy but the thought was there! Next month I may even pull out the DSLR you never know way hey :)

  16. This photo is perfect. I love the angle x

  17. I love your You and Me posts... I just feel like you put into words exactly how I feel about my own marriage. We just celebrated our six year anniversary... but I likewise am just so very grateful for every single one of those "special days and every days" Thank you for putting it perfectly into words.xx

  18. This photo is definitely a FRAMER Lucy! It almost made me cry, yup I am that sappy. It's so beautiful and there is something so secretive about it like someone is peaking into your special shared moment. So beautiful. Your words are so beautifully written too! What a great relationship you have and so lucky to share it all with your best friend. Love this series. This is my fav photo from you on this series for sure! Thanks for hosting.


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