him and her {week thirty-three}

he is super excited about starting preschool in a few weeks,
asks to go to London every time we say we're leaving the house,
and just wants to read, read, read.

she is a teeny bit obsessed with Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy,
asks to eat banana at least five times a day,
and will empty the book box in search of monkey books.


  1. Aw adorable photos, my mom used to say I always used to eat bananas when I was little!


  2. You must be so proud of them. They are growing up aren't they? It's strange because I remember admiring BB's t-shirt once, when I was overdue with William. And he was so little then. And I remember BG's birth announcement like it was yesterday. Gosh. Slow down kiddos. xx

  3. Oh Lucy, these are beautiful shots - they are growing up so quickly! Can't believe BB is off to preschool soon xxx

    Vikki @ Love From Mummy

  4. Ahh bless them. I love that he is so excited for school. Can't believe how grown up they look here. Time is just going way too fast. Buba starts school next september and I am in denial! We don't usually start until 6 or 7 years old here so it is weird for me to wrap my head around my 4 year old starting next september. I bet you are excited for the next adventure with school activities though. BG is adorable too. Her smile always makes me smile. Beautiful photos!


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