siblings {june}

These two can be the sweetest of play mates,
they can share smiles and laughs and delight in each other,
they can be partners in crime,
and they can also already wind each other up like no one else.

It amazes me how they already have that dynamic of pushing each other's buttons.
She will play with toys that she know he doesn't want her too,
and smile gleefully when he gets cross or upset about it.
He will grab her for a cuddle and then refuse to let her go even though he knows she's had enough,
and he will insist that she likes it even while she shouts at him.

But that is the beauty of a sibling I guess,
you can learn so much about how to negotiate and share,
how to problem-solve and imagine,
how to learn and how to play,
how to irritate and how to love.

Here we are, at June already,
and half way through a year of Siblings photos. 
I can already see a massive change 
in how much more I focus on my children as a pair
when I get behind the camera.
Seeing their bond fascinates me,
and capturing it on camera is my favourite thing to do.

This month I'm sending you to see Hayley
and her lovely pair Bevan and Honor.
I love seeing her gorgeous two together
as I kind of feel like it gives me a little glimmer into the future,
of life with a cool big brother and a cheeky cute little sister.
Go and check out Hayley's blog Shutterflies,
I promise you won't be disappointed.

dear beautiful


  1. I said a similar thing on my post, Cherry and Tiger have really started getting on well but they also know just how to wind each other up! Cherry does that thing of grabbing him for cuddles and not letting go and he deliberately goes over to her when she's playing happily to annoy her! It is just normal sibling behaviour though which means I'm actually pleased to see it! x

    1. That's exactly it, it actually makes me smile to see the beginnings of the bickering and annoying each other, because that is such a big part of being a sibling. And it all flips so quickly and they go from irritating one another to wanting to cuddle and chase each other. x

  2. It's the wonderful security of a sibling relationship isn't it, that you can press their buttons in exactly the sweet spot and know that you can be back to being the best of friend the next minute! I'm finding it amazing seeing how much bigger all of our little ones look this month too - May and June must have been the growth spurt months!

    1. Definitely, the closeness of siblings means that however much the push each other they know they'll always come back to one another too. It's just beautiful seeing that so early on. x

  3. I keep finding myself coming over here and saying 'I remember when she was a tiny baby!' I really am getting old aren't I?!
    Beautiful photos - love the pastels x

    1. If it's any consolation, I remember when he was a tiny baby too. I'm not sure where those teeny bubbas of mine went, growing up so fast! x

  4. Beautiful post and gorgeous photos. Isabelle and Scarlett get on really well but they do have their moments with each other. Isn't that what siblings do best :) xx

    1. It's definitely a natural part of the dynamic I think, to annoy each other and love each other in equal measure. x

  5. Gorgeous photos, it's amazing the ability they have to wind each other up isn't it ;) Mine are all the same, they seem to just take pride in it! x

    1. So true, it's funny how much they seem to genuinely enjoy annoying each other. x

  6. BG looks so grown up in that first photo! It's strange when you feel like you've known them since they were a baby and then you see a photo like that! It must be so much fun seeing them interact as they are getting older, I'm really looking forward to that with my boys xx

    1. I know what you mean, you feel like you really know blog babies, and feels weird to watch them grow up through photos. It's amazing seeing them together now that they interact more, I promise you'll love it!!! x

  7. Your two reminds me of my two so much, Reyan also hugs Sienna so tight until she creams "help" lol, can't believe how long BG's hair has got, lovely photo's.

    1. Haha. Yes my little miss will go from giggling to screaming during a cuddle as she goes from liking it to realising he isn't letting go. And yes, her hair has had a massive spurt all of a sudden, I love it. x

  8. Love the colours in these photos. So soft and summery. Siblings are just made to wind each other up, it's part of the fun of having a sibling. The worst is when they join forces and wind you up lol x

    1. Thanks lovely, they are some of my favourite photos with the soft beachy colours. My two play screaming games just because they know I hate it, so we're already seeing the beginning of them ganging up on us! x

  9. Oh I love this monthly sibling photos at the seaside. Stunning as always. Thanks for hosting Lucy and I apologise for my awful ones this monthly but we have no wifi for a week and they had to be done with iphone, no editting and posted via phone. So not much I could do with them. lol Oh Shame! But it was a cute moment. Love the sibling relationship your two have. They really seem like they are so perfect and loving together all the time. Do they ever fight, whine? I bet not. Perfect family!!! Love it.

    1. Haha, they don't fight... Yet! But they know how to irritate each other that's for sure. They've definitely been loving beachy adventures together though. x

  10. Lucy, how on earth do you get your children to sit still for a photograph? I'm in awe of the top one. Mine would be in the sea before I'd even turned round to take a picture. My post is pretty similar to yours this month. I have little ones who love each other fiercely but also take great delight in winding each other up. But yes, like you said, that's the joy of siblings :-)

  11. Beautiful photos, your two sound a bit like my two in the sense that they like to wind each other up but they're also the best of friends :) lovely post xx

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  12. Siblings are the best at winging you up and now we are all in our twenties, things haven't changed with my brother and sister! x

  13. Lovely sunshiny beachy shots of your beautiful pair Lucy. BG's hair is getting so long! x

  14. Those beach huts are just gorgeous, such lovely photos as always. Your BB and BG look as thick as thieves! x

  15. Adorable shots!!

    Mine are the same way. One is always wanting to be affectionate when the other wants to be alone, hahah.

  16. Oh my gosh Lucy! Is it just me or does E suddenly look so so grown up. Her hair has gotten so long in a month!!! They are both so beautiful. x

  17. Your siblings photos are always some of my favs, I love the colours and it's so clear how close they are. They're getting so big too. xx

  18. Ah lovely photos again Lucy. They're so cute xx

  19. That is such a beautiful image! The companionship between them shines through. Love :D

  20. Beautiful photos. We're just starting to get to the stage where my elder daughter likes to cuddle her sister that little bit too much! Your little ones look very happy together in your photos.

  21. Lovely pictures as always and I SO get every one of the scenarios you describe! We have exactly the same going on here! Thank you for helping me try to see the positives in it... Sometimes it can feel a little wearing!

  22. What a lovely scene and picture. Its funny how early they can push each others buttons, can be such a joy at time! Your little girls hair has got so long, she looks such a big girl in the first one, so so cute :)

  23. Gorgeous photos as always!
    There are some great images on the linky today x

  24. Beautiful photos, I love it when they suddenly start looking like little people - my two are the same nowadays and occasionally I get a glimpse of an adult in them :)

  25. Oops not sure if my comment worked so here is goes again! Lovely shots, and the words are basically my two too!x

  26. WOW — they're growing so quickly! There doesn't seem to be such a huge age gap this month. Lovely pics as always X

  27. they look so adorable in the photos...

  28. Beautiful photos as always. I know exactly what you mean about pressing fib lungs buttons and cheeky grins. We gave a lot of that in our house xx

  29. Love the last photo, I love you say they can wind each other up as they always look so good with one another I thought only mine were terrors with each other x

  30. This summer I have to drive and find some beach huts. Your photos where they form the backdrop are always so dreamy. Love them!


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