three and a quarter

In the quarter year since your birthday you had changed so much.

You seemed to have got through a more challenging phase
and were, on the most part, lovely to be around again.
You would still have the odd day of pushing the boundaries,
but the daily and hourly battles were a thing of the past.
You were enjoying being more independent and responsible;
helping to choose and make food, selecting your own clothes,
washing your own hair and doing helpful little jobs.
It was so lovely to see you helping and contributing
and it made us so very proud of you.

We were starting to wonder if naps were on the way out,
some days you would sit on the sofa and have a cuddle and read a book
instead of going for your usual afternoon nap,
but then other days you would still sleep for two to three hours.
It didn't seem to make any difference to how long you slept at night,
so we happily just took your lead.

Having been a really reluctant mark maker around your birthday
you were suddenly really interested in immergent writing activities.
You enjoyed spelling your own name and copying the letter formation,
and you spend ages asking us to write letters for you to copy.
It was so lovely to see this new side to you,
where you would sit quietly for the longest times,
pushing yourself to get better with your pencil control.
You were so determined and so focused.

You were enjoying regular trips to the library
to not only borrow different books
but also to attend one of their rhymes and reading sessions.
You loved the structure and excitement of these sessions
and were always so kind and friendly to the other children
which made us feel so proud of you.
A trip to the library was generally followed by a trip to the bakery
for a sausage roll lunch date
and then a milkshake treat at the milkshake shop.
You loved these little routines so much
and would keep reminding us what you wanted to do next.

Watching your relationship with your little sister change and grow
was such a daily pleasure for us.
The two of you were such a team
and generally liked to play near one another
even if you weren't actually playing together.
You were going through a stage of getting really upset
whenever she got upset,
which was so incredibly sweet.
We just knew you were going to be such a protective and caring big brother
as the two of your grew.

You can read the rest of the beautiful boy's updates 
on his page here.


  1. I love your updates as it shows me what I have to look forward to with LP who is three in August. It sounds like BB has reached such a turning point - Definitely more little boy than toddler now! He's a proper man in the making. Such a gorgeous little boy! x

  2. The BB looks like he is getting so grown up now and getting so clever too

  3. He is such a gorgeous little guy and its heartbreaking how fast they bloom into young men! Gorgeous photos and post. x

  4. I love your weekly updates! Will be amazing for your little ones to read back over when they're grown up!


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