seasidy days

music credit: Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine

I've always loved being at the coast,
there is something about the air,
the fact the sky always seems so big,
the sound of water,
and the feel of sand;
it's just good for the soul.
Especially on spring days,
when a very blustery day by the water,
can quite literally blow the cobwebs away
and leave you with muddy clothes,
windswept hair
and a really big smile.

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  1. My favourite seaside place! So many happy days spent there over the years - I'm inspired to go out for a visit over the weekend!

    1. My nan has a caravan down there, so we generally visit a lot over the spring and summer. This was our first trip down this season and the kids had such a lovely time, I have a feeling it's going to be a great summer. x

  2. Love this. The beach is great, although I do hate sand which can be a bit of a problem! x

    1. I used to hate sand, not while I was at the beach, but when I wanted to leave. But I've kind of mellowed to it with age. ;) x

  3. Wow Lucy you always top yourself and everyone else. This video is amazing. I loved it. Mr P and I keep saying we really need to do more videos of the kids. This makes me want to so bad. You would love that you did this when they are older I always think video show a lot more of their innocence and youth then just photographs. Wish I could see a video of me as a little one. My parents didn't really even take pictures. Boo so sad. A childhood I would have love to see now.

    1. Thanks lovely. Video definitely captures the children better I think, more honestly because it gets all their mannerisms. I'm so glad I got into making videos, the kids love watching them back and they all hold such lovely memories. x

  4. I think I prefer the seaside when it is Spring and a little windy- it's the quintessential British seaside experience! There's nothing better than a little walk and an ice cream, plus Fish and Chips! ;) So lovely that your Gran came along too, a real family day. x

    1. The wind definitely adds to the whole experience. In fact I'm quite partial to a seaside walk in the middle of winter too. x

  5. I'm a seaside girl at heart too - I grew up on the coast and miss it, even in all the prettiness around here, somehow the horizon is never quite big enough when you can't see to the ends of the earth - it looks like you had a wonderful time

    1. I spent three years at the coast for uni, and I still really miss it. There is something so soothing about a walk by the sea. x

  6. The sky seems so big! I had never noticed, but now that you mention it the sky relly does seem bigger at the seaside x

    1. Thats always the main thing I bring away from a day at the beach: feeling like I saw so much sky. I love it. x

  7. Replies
    1. I'm jealous. I'll get back to living by the sea one day. x

  8. My heart is by the seaside. I honestly can't see me living somewhere that the beach isn't within walking distance. Regardless of season or weather, it also provides endless entertainment for kids - always something to do & explore.

    1. I feel the same, I had three years by the sea for university and have been desperate to get back ever since. Luckily we don't live too far away, but I'd love to live nearer. x

  9. Ahh, thank-you. I love making videos, we enjoy watching them back together. The seaside just breathes life into me somehow. x

  10. Oh i love gaining an insight to your lives through these videos, they're always so beautiful to watch! xxx

  11. The sea calms me especially when the tide is up and the sound of the water is louder than usual. It just soothes my head especially when ... things are not fine. #countrykids

  12. Looks like a wonderful if blustery family day. It was always my dream to live by the sea and I'm glad to say we made that move when we came to Coombe Mill. Lovely video, thank you for sharing on Country Kids

  13. I love the beach, it's such a lovely place to visit and I love gazing out at the ocean thinking about where it might lead to. I love your movies, they are always so fun and you all look like you're having a great time together. x

  14. What a gorgeous video! Looks like a beautiful place too! Glad you guys had such a lovely family afternoon! #countrykids


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