his third birthday

On Friday 7th February 2014
my beautiful little man turned three.
And special days out together
to celebrate being another year older,
are kind of becoming a family tradition for us.
Our beautiful boy had a great one
and we spent the day pinching ourselves
that our first born baby had got so big so quickly.


We started the day with our tradition
of going into the bedroom singing happy birthday to him,
(which he wasn't especially keen on this year).
And then it was on to present opening.
We got him a balance bike
which he was thrilled with.
It's the first thing he's really asked for consistently
and he was so excited to see that he had one.

His day out consisted of a trip to the seaside at Southend on Sea,
which began with a visit to the Sea Life Centre . . . 

. . . where he met fish . . .

. . . discovered underwater lands . . . 

. . . said hello to turtles with Pops . . . 

. . . got friendly with the rays with Nanny . . .

. . . and counted sharks with Mummy . . .

. . . while his sister enjoyed exploring from Daddy's back.

Then it was a quick car ride along the front,
to catch the train up the pier . . .

 . . . and then marvel at the fact the train travelled over the water . . .

 . . . we all nearly got blown away
by the strong winds a mile out at sea.
But the sun shone for him,
and he enjoyed some giggles with his little sis . . .

. . . before getting back on the train to travel back again.

At home he got to have his much asked for rainbow cakes with candles,
while we all sang happy birthday again
(far more happily received this time around)
and wondered where the last three years went.
The perfect magical end to a third birthday.


  1. Aww it looks like he had a wonderful birthday - his smile in the picture with his bike just couldn't get any wider!!

  2. I love these photos Lucy. So glad that he had such a lovely time. It's so comforting to see how much of a happy family you are. xx

  3. It looks like a wonderful third birthday. I love the one of the three of you and I love the one of him and his Daddy blowing out the candles at the bottom! Looks like it was a lovely family day out. The photo of him with his bike is just adorable too. x

  4. The photo of him on his bike is just the cutest thing ever! x

  5. It looks and sounds like a wonderful birthday. I love the last photo of the cake blowing. He looks so cute xx

  6. happy birthday to you sweet little guy! just stumbled upon your blog, cant wait to follow along!

  7. Looks like he had an amazing birthday! Gorgeous photos as always! x

  8. Aww…. What lovely photos! And looks like a very special day indeed for an equally special little man! :) #CountryKids.

  9. What beautiful family photos of a wonderful 3rd Birthday for your little boy! You had a perfectly sunny winter day for your fun at the coast. Thanks for linking up and sharing your fun with Country Kids.

  10. Sea World looks like a lot of fun, I'll have to take my children there one day. #CountryKids

  11. Happy third birthday beautiful boy! Looks like the perfect way to celebrate turning 3!

  12. What a fab birthday - I'm quite jealous! And I love your site - looks great.

  13. Looks like an amazing third birthday celebration! Some beautiful photos there to cherish too. Hope he was as happy as he looks!


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