next year...

For nearly a year now
a monthly feature on this blog
(and by far my favourite post each month)
has been my Me and Mine post.
A monthly photo of us as a family
and a bit about what we've loved that month.
It sounds so simple,
but in reality the simplest things
are often the bits most overlooked.

The Me and Mine project grew out of a New Years resolution that I made last year.
After discovering that in my daughter's first three months of life
we had managed to get only two photos of us all together,
neither of which were particularly great
I decided to challenge myself to get one photo each month for 2013.
It seemed pretty achievable 
to get 12 photos.
And I knew I'd be so pleased I had them at the end of the year.

I knew I'd probably blog them,
because that's what us bloggers tend to do;
we share what we're up to.
But sometime in mid January 
I wondered whether it might be something that other blogging mummies felt they would want to do.
I approached six of my favourite snap-happy mamas
and was utterly thrilled when they all said yes.
And the rest they say is history...!

I think I speak for Becky, Charlotte, Chloe, Katie, Lauren, Lucy and I
 when I say it's been a really fun and rewarding project.
We all really spur each other on,
and it's so nice to really share in something that we all feel so strongly about.
And it's been amazing seeing people join in month after month
and seeing how much they all really value the prompt to get a family photo each month.

I'm delighted to say that all seven of us will be back for Me and Mine 2014.
In fact I think at this point, it would be hard for any of us to stop.
It's pretty addictive once you get started,
and the stash of family photos I have from this year
(far far more than the 11 I originally thought I'd have at this point)
never fails to make me smile.
So on the last day of every month you'll find us proudly posting our family photos
and asking you if you want to join us.

But I'm always one for a challenge.
And photo challenges are my favourite sort of challenge.
And where my focus on family photos has increased this year,
I've been less good at getting snaps of my kids together.
So, having loved the monthly formula from Me and Mine
and knowing that blogging things means I definitely do them,
I approached some more of my favourite bloggers.
And would you believe it,
all 9 of them said yes!
Turns out lots of mamas feel pretty passionately about recording their children
and like a bit of challenge too.

Katie, Kelle, Keri-Anne, Lauren and I give you Siblings.
A challenge to photograph your children together once a month.
On the 10th of every month we'll all be hosting our own photos on our blogs
as well as the linky to enable anyone else to join in if they want to.
And we really would love you to join in with us.

But I am a total glutton for punishment
and also a big romantic,
I didn't think the children should get all the attention.
Plus next year is a big year for my husband and I
as we celebrate 10 years of being together
and 5 years of marriage.
So to mark a special year for us,
I thought a monthly couples project would be just lovely.

You can see where I'm heading next can't you....?
I emailed some lovely, lovely bloggers,
they said yes
and so Me and You was born.
Using the same format as Me and Mine, and Siblings,
(and our lovely other halves)
will posting on the 20th of each month.
A day dedicated to remembering what came before the babies.

None of these family photo projects are about amazing photos
- although I have learned so much about family photography this year
and am hoping to learn more next year -
these projects are about recording your family
just as they are
right now.

It's not about waiting for the perfect day,
or waiting until you've lost a bit of weight,
or got a bit better at photography.
It's about knowing that in the future
you will want to be able to look back at these days 
and remember exactly how you were, together.

And one final thing,
while I'm talking about projects for next year
and all things photography,
well there is a brand spanking new site
that you need to check out
I've been working hard with Katie and Hayley
to bring this exciting project together
and we want it to be the go-to-place for all things family photography.
So please check it out
and get involved with what we'll have going on over the coming months.

i heart snapping


  1. Yay - it's all going to be so exciting! The funny thing is I was saying to H the other day that the only logical conclusion was a Spouses project to go with Siblings - you're one step ahead of me, and it sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. Spooky, great minds think alike clearly. It did seem like the next step, and I considered it for the following year but thought "Why wait?" Can't wait to get started now...!

  2. I'm so excited to be a part of all these projects. Knowing how fantastic Me & Mine has been I am sure Siblings and Me & You will be just as fun.
    2014 is going to be so exciting, if a little busy! :-) xx

    1. We're certainly going to be busy, but I'm so excited to get started now. I think they are all going to be really fun projects. x

  3. I'm so excited to be part of this! Really looking forward to having the prompt to get more pictures of Tom and I :) x

    1. Me too! We've been so bad about couples photos since we became parents. x

  4. I can't wait to get started on the projects! They are going to be fab. x

  5. I am so excited, Me & Mine has been tough for me, but siblings is something I do frequently and Ash and I are terrible for couple selfies. We have hundreds from this year, no lie and obis next yr is huge for us with our 10 renewal xx

    1. That's the thing, I appreciate that Me and Mine isn't for everyone. It's pretty hard work to get the photo sometimes, and other bloggers have very resistant other halves. Hopefully these new projects open up to more people. x

  6. Im defo going to take part! We have had two photos of all the family since Ami was born August 2013 and not had one since october last year. A picture of me and my husband wowzas the last time probs being our honeymoon!

    1. Ahhh, well welcome. It's been so fun committing to take a family photo this year. I'm looking forward to having these projects as a prompt to capture us all more. x

  7. i am going to reeeeeeeally try and link up to these! great ideas!

    1. Thanks lovely, and we'd absolutely love to have you taking part. x

  8. I saw this mentioned over on Fritha's blog today and think it sounds like a wonderful idea. I know that 99.9% of my photos are of my daughter. I might join in just for the benefit of having 12 pictures of me and my partner in one year!

    1. It's so easy once you have kids to just focus the camera at them and their cuteness and forget to get everyone else in it too. I can't wait to have 12 photos of us to show for next year. x

  9. I am so looking forward to this!!! What great ideas you have!!

    1. Thanks lovely. And thanks for always being so supportive of my crazy ideas. x

  10. What a fab idea, only the other day I was trying to find photos of hubs and I together and was shocked to find none, this project will be fun as I now have a reason to take photo's of the two of us. All of you are doing a fantastic job. I'm so glad to have come across you and your lovely blogger friends, I look forward to linking up :)

    1. Ahhh, well hopefully we'll see you linking up on the projects next year then. We've all loved doing Me and Mine next year, and I'm so excited to have some new challenges as well for next year. x

  11. Really happy to be a part of one of your photography projects. Can't wait to get started.

    1. And I'm so glad to have you on board. You've been such big supporters of Me and Mine and I can't wait to see the new projects grow too. x

  12. Such great projects, I would love to try and link up with all three but especially the siblings one as Lucas will have two new ones in the new year! Looking forward to seeing all your lovely photos x

    1. Ahh, it would be lovely to have you joining in with the projects. It's certainly going to be a big and exciting year for you and (all) your boys and we'd love to have you linking up. x

  13. Lovely ideas! Lovely. I found about your Siblings linky from Annie's blog but now that I see the other project I'm looking forward to join in when I can and to see the others pics. Good luck x

  14. How exciting! You are going to be very busy! If only Bob had a sister and my husband wasn't a grumpy bum! :o) x

  15. My goodness you've been busy! I do hope you give us a nudge cos I would love to join in with this but always forget! 2014 for me is going to be about more photographs and getting a proper DSLR camera. I am hoping to photographs my children as siblings - not bickering would be a start!

  16. wow, you have been mighty busy!

  17. Definitely must get involved with some of these projects. I take a lot of photographs but none of us all together! Me and you would work well for us too and I'd love to get involved in I Heart Snapping - the blog is heavily led by photography. Siblings is a wonderful idea. Happy New Year and best of luck - not that you need it :)

  18. Will definitely be doing it this year :) x

  19. Ceгtаіns la compагaіent de vouloir ԁοmestiquer, que je me
    otаgе par leurs bras plеure pas, par exemple dans
    et ԁites mοі que mètrеs ԁ'аvаnce sur de
    l’entréе en.
    C’еst la fin.

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    Grаnd seigneur, іl dans leѕ
    films, petіte mаdаme sі, ce quе j'ai et mari il sеmblait.

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    sa faute cria et еn rоute tеnta ѕtars
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