hello september

It's here.
The month I've been simultaneously waiting for and dreading.
My baby girl turns one this month.
It just doesn't seem possible.

And it's making me all kinds of nostalgic
as I think back to this time last year;
when I had just hit full term
and knew that Splodge could arrive any day,
and how nervous I was about my baby boy having to grow up.

I keep thinking back to the day she was born,
To the amazing joy that she brought into our lives
and the way all the love in our family has just exploded since she arrived.

The last year has been an amazing adventure
and with weeks left to go
until she turns one whole year old,
I'm into major birthday party planning mode.

We will be celebrating her first birthday in style;
because you only turn one once.
And because she absolutely deserves it.

This beautiful girl of mine is just the most amazing little creature
and I really can't put into words how much I adore her.
She is an absolute gem and I can't get enough of her.

Photographs in this post are all courtesy of Katie Ellison Photography.
Katie and I had so much fun bringing all the elements of this smash cake shoot together
and my little piggy of a girl didn't let me down,
and she got really into all the cake and made plenty of mess.
Thank-you Katie.
The photos are beautiful,
as always.


  1. Oh that girl - cute as a button!! Nice cake smash too KEP! xxx

    1. She did a great job getting them didn't she? And I think her cute model helped! x

  2. Look at those eyes! Looks like a lot of fun and the photos are amazing xx

    1. She does have beautiful eyes. And Katie did a great job capturing her. x

  3. What gorgeous photos although she doesn't look too messy! You should have seen Dylan after his cake smash. Hope the party prep is going well x

    1. Haha. She look super messy compared to when I did it with her brother. He just tidily ate the cake and looked at me like I was mad. x

  4. She is just the most beautiful model and I cannot believe she is nearly one. I have such a weird feeling when it comes to BG, obviously I am fond of all of my friends children (some more than others ;) ) but there is something about BG. I think it is because I have known about her since she was a poppy seed. (Wasn't I the first person you told after your parents?!) I just love her so much! I had great fun taking these photos. x

    1. Ahhh, this made me a bit teary hun. You were the first person apart from parents to hear, in fact it was only you, family and one other friend who knew before the scan. She loves you very much too, as do I. x

  5. Oh I just love her Lucy. She's absolutely adorable and these photos are absolutely stunning. I can't believe she's one. I properly got to know you and your blog during your pregnancy with BG and it's really nice to cross this milestone with you. I still remember the first day I found your blog - via Instagram - when you kindly let me know why BB's Rolling Stones t-shirt was from so I could buy it for a little bump of mine! xx

    1. It funny, I think a lot of people feel quite excited about her being one, because they've followed the entire journey on this blog. She is a true blog baby thats for sure. x

  6. These photos are simply beautiful. Well done to Katie for producing such beautiful photos and well done to you for producing such a beautiful little girl.
    I can't believe she is almost one. Where has that time gone?! x

    1. It was some good team work between BG, Katie and I.... although I didn't really do all that much. Apart from ice the cake. x

  7. My little boy turns 1 in December. it's going to be the most bitter-sweet of times I'm sure.
    I hope your little girlie has fabulous birthday!

    1. It's such a weirdly bittersweet milestone. You're excited for them, but its sad that their baby days are behind them so fast. x

  8. Beautiful photos!

    I love love love how squishy she is! I bet shes great for blowing raspberries on!

    1. Hahaha. She is very squishy, but not as squishy as she once was. She's thinning out now she's on the move. x

  9. Lucy (and Katie!) these photos are absolutely gorgeous! What a beautiful little poppet BG is - so true to her name!

    It is crazy how quickly a year goes with your 2nd baby, I can really understand the nostalgia that you are feeling at moment, as with my littlest turning 1 on the 28th of this month, I keep thinking back to this time last year too!

    Enjoy the next few weeks, and all of the preparation, emotionally and practically that goes with it!

    Ali Xx

    1. I think that feeling of nostalgia is quite natural. Its just scary how much changes in a year. x

  10. She's adorable - i bet the both of you had fun taking those photos :)

  11. she is precious. how could you ever pick a favorite!??? DARLING!!!

  12. Gorgeous! She is far too cute! Stunning photos! x x

  13. I can't believe she's going to be one! It's crazy, she is so cute. I love the thumb sucking one, so cute! x

  14. One ?! Already ?! Woah! Time is speeding up I swear!
    Lovely, lovely photos and she sure enjoyed that cake! x

  15. You'll be chasing her around soon. The cake will need to go on a MUCH higher shelf!!! Looks lush, by the way, as does the cake!

  16. I just died!
    Amazingly beautiful xxx

  17. I can't believe she is nearly one, that means it's been a year since I found out I was pregnant, I love that our babies share that special bond. She is so beautiful and these pictures show this wonderfully, I love the thumb sucking shots and those eyes - truly awesome xx

  18. aw i have never seen a baby make so much mess and still be so adorable i suppose it is alwaqys more cute when your not cleaning the mess lol beautiful shots the thum sucking shot is soo cute but my fave is the last one with all the mess

  19. Beayooootiful shoot!!! I can't believe shes nearly one! xxx

  20. Oh just look at those eyes, they completely draw you in. Katie did a fabulous job, these photos are breathtakingly beautiful. I still can't believe she's nearly one, i remember reading your very clever 'signal is rubbish in hospital' announcement tweet like it was yesterday. xxx

  21. Gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous little girl. I can't believe she is nearly one!!!! Xx

  22. And if these photos are by the Katie I'm thinking of, they are absolutely stunning! Wish I lived closer so I could have some gorgeous photos like these! x


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