out of the mouths of babes {august}

on hearing my tummy rumble:
"Mummy your belly button is ringing."

beautiful boy: "Is it bath time Mummy?"
Mummy: "No not yet sweetheart."
beautiful boy: "Okay then. It's lounge time."

"Oh dear, it's all gone-y gone gone gone gone."
(I could cry at this one as this was one of my late grandad's catch phrases,
he's picked it up from my mum and I goofing around and has started to adopt it as his own.)

about his sister
"She's got my shoes Mummy. I'm going to take them from her. She'll only eat them."

to G-Nan when she was getting confused about something:
"What ARE you talking about?"

"I can't read that book. It's just too cold."

"Look at me. I look SO cool in my shirt."

on seeing Mummy's outfit one morning:
"I like it Mummy. But you need jeans."

Mummy: "Big double cuddles. I've got my gorgeous boy and my gorgeous girl."
beautiful boy: "Yes Mummy we're gorgeous matching."

while standing in the garden holding some bread, at the top of his voice:
"Where are you birdies? It's lunchtime."

"I love Mummy. I love Daddy. I love the toilet."

when he did something naughty:
"You're not happy. Oh dear. Will you be happy soon?"

"I've got a bogey. It's a bit like jelly."

to his sister after Daddy had given her a biscuit:
"Now you say 'Thank-you Daddy'."

"Oooh, that was a close one."
basically every. single. time he stumbles or trips but isn't hurt.

"Mummy, my belly button is hungry."

while playing hide and seek with Daddy:
Daddy: "Ooooh, I wonder where he could be."
beautiful boy: "Daddy, I'm hiding under the white towel."

whenever his sister is about to touch something he doesn't want her to:
"Quick Mummy, she wants a cuddle."

He seriously seems to get more hilarious with each week that passes at the moment.
He uses more and more funny little phrases
and generally holds a mirror up to all the things we say a lot.
More and more of the baby pronunciation is falling by the wayside
and he even corrects himself now when he says things incorrectly.
Such a clever little chatterbox.

Wot So Funee?


  1. Aww such a sweet little chatterbox - I love "my belly button is hungry!"

    1. He's a bit belly button obsessed at the moment.... strange child. x

  2. This is so cute! I love the "I like it mummy but you need jeans" so so cute! haha

    I also love "Quick Mummy she wants a cuddle" so clever!

    He certainly is a little chatterbox


    1. I love the cleverness of "she needs a cuddle mummy". It's like he knows that if he says "take her away" that I'll say no. x

  3. My belly button is hungry - bless him!!

  4. This is making me want to record all the funny things Dylan says! I love the BB's little mannerisms, Toddlers are so much fun!

    1. I'm so incredibly glad that I'm writing them down. I know that of all the things I've blogged, I'll be really glad I recorded these. x

  5. Oh I just love him! How very cute. I'm so very desperate for this stage with William but I know you'll slap my wrists and tell me to hold my horses! xx

    1. He'll get there soon enough lovely. It is an amazing phase that's for sure. x

  6. Aww, these had me giggling. Love the Close one lol.

    1. His timing and turns of phrase are just so amazing sometimes. It's hilarious. x

  7. This is so lovely and very similar to some of the things Mads says especially in regards to his sister! x

    1. They do come out with some funny little things. He really talks about his sister a lot more lately and definitely thinks he's a third parent a lot of the time. x

  8. "I love Mummy. I love Daddy. I love the toilet." - this one made me chuckle. Booked dyno-rod recently to fix the toilet, 'is it an emergency they said', 'well, how long are you going to leave it' I asked.

    1. Hahahaha! I love that he has a sense of toilet humour already at such a young age. x

  9. So funny! You have just totally reminded me to do Iyla's latest list, it's getting long! It is going to be so much fun to look back and remember all these things as I have forgotten them all by the time I read back through! x

    1. I love recording all these little sayings during the month, they are just hilarious. And as you say, they get so quickly forgotten if you don't write them down. Iyla's always make me laugh. x

  10. Replies
    1. He is at such a funny age at the moment. It's hilarious. x

  11. Aww I like how cuddles are an answer to a lot of things. My belly button is ringing right now :) I should get some brekkie!

  12. Aww bless your belly button is ringing x

  13. Hehe, so cute. I love the 'gorgeous matching' - my toddler is into 'matching' stuff at the moment so it reminded me of him :)

  14. Your belly button is ringing - fabulous! I love toddler speak, just the cutest :) #wotsofunee

  15. I love that he loves you and Daddy as much as the toilet ;)
    Thanks so much for linking up - he's the perfect age x


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