{our beautiful story} week thirty-five

sunday 25th august
reunited besties

monday 26th august
"I want a kissing picture Mummy."

tuesday 27th august
 this girl gets cheekier by the day

wednesday 28th august
sharing and playing together

thursday 29th august
 all she wants to do is stand these days

friday 30th august
transfixed by princess sofia

saturday 31st august
her first bounce on a trampoline - she loved it

me and mine {august}

Daddy is loving
* going out with the wifey.
* the beautiful girl's new teeth.
* watching Falling Skies.
* the cats having nightly spider hunts.
* the football season starting.

Mummy is loving
* making the most of time together in the sunshine.
* looking at family photos.
* date nights with her best friend.
* that the beautiful girl really snuggles in for cuddles now.
* going on a mummy-son date.

The beautiful boy is loving
* reading books all. the. time.
* playing with puzzle games on mummy's iPad.
* going to the supermarket.
* his first trip to the cinema.
* 'swimming' in nanny's hot tub.

The beautiful girl is loving
* standing up all by herself.
* when her big brother comes in her cot with her.
* chatting non stop.
* making big sparkly eyes at daddy.
* riding on the rocking horse.


forty-nine weeks new

You were so strong and clever.


one day {august}

music credit: Ho Hey by The Lumineers

One of the best bits about life with children
is that no two days are ever quite the same.
Children surprise you,
you surprise yourself.
You have busy, exciting days.
And you have simple, ordinary days.
And those days can often be the best.

Just life
as a family,
exactly the way I want to remember it.
Simple and beautiful.


out of the mouths of babes {august}

on hearing my tummy rumble:
"Mummy your belly button is ringing."

beautiful boy: "Is it bath time Mummy?"
Mummy: "No not yet sweetheart."
beautiful boy: "Okay then. It's lounge time."

"Oh dear, it's all gone-y gone gone gone gone."
(I could cry at this one as this was one of my late grandad's catch phrases,
he's picked it up from my mum and I goofing around and has started to adopt it as his own.)

about his sister
"She's got my shoes Mummy. I'm going to take them from her. She'll only eat them."

to G-Nan when she was getting confused about something:
"What ARE you talking about?"

"I can't read that book. It's just too cold."

"Look at me. I look SO cool in my shirt."

on seeing Mummy's outfit one morning:
"I like it Mummy. But you need jeans."

Mummy: "Big double cuddles. I've got my gorgeous boy and my gorgeous girl."
beautiful boy: "Yes Mummy we're gorgeous matching."

while standing in the garden holding some bread, at the top of his voice:
"Where are you birdies? It's lunchtime."

"I love Mummy. I love Daddy. I love the toilet."

when he did something naughty:
"You're not happy. Oh dear. Will you be happy soon?"

"I've got a bogey. It's a bit like jelly."

to his sister after Daddy had given her a biscuit:
"Now you say 'Thank-you Daddy'."

"Oooh, that was a close one."
basically every. single. time he stumbles or trips but isn't hurt.

"Mummy, my belly button is hungry."

while playing hide and seek with Daddy:
Daddy: "Ooooh, I wonder where he could be."
beautiful boy: "Daddy, I'm hiding under the white towel."

whenever his sister is about to touch something he doesn't want her to:
"Quick Mummy, she wants a cuddle."


{the ordinary moments} summer feet

Everything about life with small children is fleeting.
The days and weeks run away from you
and before you know where you are another month is gone,
another season is reaching an end.

Summer is ending
and with it, we will soon say goodbye
to my beautiful boy's flip-flop tan lines.
Marks on his skin that tell the story of a summer spent enjoying the sunshine.
Just ordinary little toddler feet
with a special little story to tell.

mummy daddy me


{our beautiful story} week thirty-four

sunday 18th august
biggest boy and littlest boy

monday 19th august
a cute little grin

tuesday 20th august
baby ballerina

wednesday 21st august
they just melt my heart

thursday 22nd august
caught in the act

friday 23rd august
standing up all the time now

saturday 24th august
enjoying his daddy cuddles


forty-eight weeks new

They say time flies when you're having fun.


a beautiful girl's tutu

No little girl's life can be complete without a tutu.
It was one of the things that excited me most about being a girly mama.
As a child I did years of ballet dancing and plenty of shows
every time hoping that I would get the costume of choice:
the tutu.


pantone colors {what we're reading}

No child's library is complete without a colour book
and this one is an absolute gem.
I'm a big fan of really attractive, grown up style books
and my beautiful boy definitely seems to feel the same.
And this one is like a gorgeous coffee table book.


the difference a year makes

A lot can change in a year.
And the beauty of photos is that they help us really see
just how much things have changed.


{the ordinary moments} messy faces

You have to love how meal times for babies are so multi-scensory.
Chew it for a bit.
Spit it out.
Have a look.
Squish it through your fingers.
Put it back in your mouth again.
Give it another chew.
Maybe smear some on your face.
Swallow a bit.
Dribble a bit.

I can't be the only one who loves a messy baby face.


{our beautiful story} week thirty-three

sunday 11th august
our shiny little star

monday 12th august
sleepy snuggles with nanny

tuesday 13th august
"I'm very busy Mummy"

wednesday 14th august
planning her escape

thursday 15th august
playing with Pops after bath time

friday 16th august
he really liked his tea

saturday 17th august 
our photo shoot really wore him out


forty-seven weeks new

You were so delightful to be around.


broken and better

Becoming a mother broke me, 
body, soul and heart,
but in the best way possible.
It broke me down from the person I had been before
and as I put myself back together, 
the new "mummy" me emerged
and she felt like the me I had always wanted to be.


little miss austen {what we're reading}

I love classic literature.
And Jane Austen's novels are right up there as some of my favourites.
We had the tables at our wedding named after them
(amongst other favourite classics)
and our cats are named after two of her greatest romantic heroes;
Mr Darcy and Captain Wentworth.
So it's fair to say I'm a little bit of a fan.


him and me

Two and half years ago,
my beautiful boy was born.
In that moment he surpassed two very special males who had gone before him
- his daddy and his Pops -
and he became my number one man.
He stole my heart,
he made me a mama,
and changed me forever.


{our beautiful story} week thirty-two

sunday 4th august
catching up with an old friend

monday 5th august
the bath handle is a great chew toy

tuesday 6th august
the little monkey likes to hide under the table

wednesday 7th august
all she wants to do lately is stand

thursday 8th august
silly boy asked to have his photo taken on the toilet

friday 9th august
"I want to bouncy bounce mummy"

saturday 10th august
a first ever trip to the cinema


forty-six weeks new

It seemed like you had grown up a whole month in just a week.


your thirtieth month

Two and half years old. And the most amazing little boy.


my mom snaps {what we're reading}

I'm going to make a big statement now,
and I do not make these lightly.
If you are a mummy blogger
you need this book for your children.


being in the memories

I have always taken a lot of photographs
and becoming a mother for the first time 
(shortly after buying a DSLR)
just made that obsession with photo taking even greater.
Mothers grab at memories,
they try to remember every detail of their growing children,
cataloguing every milestone,
desperate to record their babies
as the moments and the time speed by
like sand through their fingers.


{our beautiful story} week thirty-one

sunday 28th july
hippy girly playing in the straw

monday 29th july
he adores his new "letters book"

tuesday 30th july
this smile melts my heart

wednesday 31st july
his eyes are just intoxicating

thursday 1st august
outdoor bath time on the deck

friday 2nd august
transfixed by a string of beads

saturday 3rd august
a party with old friends

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