me and mine {may}

Daddy is loving
* going on Gruffalo hunts in the woods.
* Ben and Jerry's Clever Cookie ice-cream.
* having a boys day in Birmingham
* wifey's cowboy pie for dinner.
* getting more sleep

Mummy is loving
* going to the cinema to watch The Great Gatsby.
* being back teaching dance twice a week.
* watching the beautiful babies start to properly play together.
* lunch dates with my gorgeous man.
* full nights of sleep.

The beautiful boy is loving
* bouncing on any and all bouncy surfaces.
* sleeping in a proper big boy bed.
* seeing 'purple-bells'.
* slides, slides and more slides.
* meeting the Gruffalo.

The beautiful girl is loving
* screaming, screeching, shouting and generally making loud noises.
* tucking into some fingers of toast.
* sleeping.
* moving around here, there and everywhere.
* belly tickles from her brother.


thirty-six weeks new

Your learning was coming on in leaps and bounds.




night night beautiful boy

Since I became a parent
I have lost track of the amount of times I've said
"its all flying by so fast"
or "slow down time"
or "where did my baby go?"
Children are learning all the time,
embracing every opportunity to grow and explore
and to 'get big' right before our eyes.


{our beautiful story} week twenty-one

sunday 19th may
days at the coast are made for ice creams

monday 20th may
sleepy morning smiles for mummy

tuesday 21st may
this is how we watch television now

wednesday 22nd may
hanging on daddy's every word

thursday 23rd may
toast is tasty

friday 24th may
trying to whistle

saturday 24th may
my beautiful boys


thirty-five weeks new

You were changing and growing and surprising us constantly.


fifteen things i love


{our beautiful story} week twenty

sunday 12th may
that can't be a comfortable way to sit

monday 13th may
transfixed by pops telling stories

tuesday 14th may
she's such a cutie pie

wednesday 15th may
just sitting in the chaos

thursday 16th may
"yuck mummy yuck"

friday 17th may
ticking her own toes

saturday 18th may
bathtime bubble fun


thirty-four weeks new

You were so keen to explore the world around you.


one day {may}

music credit: On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons

There is something so special about video
and the way that is captures memories.
I absolutely love taking and looking at photos
but video is so real and so alive.

And I loved making and sharing our 'one day' in april
so I've decided to make it into a little series,
where I'll share a family day from start to finish.
Just one random day in our lives.

Capturing the real memories of our family
at this exact moment in time.
The moments when my husband carries our first born on his shoulders.
The moments I see each morning as we start our day together with cuddles and a play in bed.
The moments when the beautiful boy was enchanted by seeing a fairy story come to life.
The moments where the beautiful girl's face erupts into smiles and laughter.

Our real life.
Just one day of it.


bluebell babies

I adore bluebells.
Those perfect little flowers
signal the beginning of summer
and that is always something to smile about.


an example

Having your first baby can be tough on your relationship.
You're both tired, consumed by love for this little person you made,
and you are both learning new jobs; mummy and daddy.
And when you have two children it's tougher still,
because divide and conquer wins the day,
so it often seems like one or other of you is always wrangling one or both children, 
and the fact that neither of you seems to get a seconds break throughout the day,
means that you all into a crumpled, exhausted heap on the sofa 
when your little people are finally in bed.


{our beautiful story} week nineteen

sunday 5th may
i just love these two

monday 6th may
fun at the may day fayre

tuesday 7th may
giggly girly

wednesday 8th may
bright eyed boy

thursday 9th may
my little flower fairy

friday 10th may
transfixed by mickey mouse

saturday 11th may
real mummies have art in their kitchens


thirty-three weeks new

You were growing more amazing and more adorable with each day.


a promise...

When monsters lurk in corners, behind curtains and under beds
and nightmares haunt your peaceful sleep.
I will be your comfort blanket, your nightlight and a soothing lullaby
and my hugs will bring your sweeter dreams.

When bumped heads, grazed knees and cut fingers ruin your play
and bring big fat tears to roll down your cheeks
I will be the healing magic, the "mummy doctor" and a superhero 
who can take pain away with a kiss.

When things go wrong, life is unfair and it just don't go your way
and you need talking to about life and love.
I will be the compass that sets you back on the right path
and reminds you of who you are and how wonderful you can be.

When life beckons and you are afraid or unsure,
and the world seems too big and too scary.
I will be the wind in your sails, your anchor and your safe harbour,
and I'll help you to sail and fly.

When awards are granted, grades are earned, games are won
and you are shining brighter than the brightest of stars.
I will be your champion cheerleader, full of unimaginable pride;
your biggest fan in the whole wide world.

When you are big and grown up, 
with a job and a home and a family of your own.
I will be a faithful friend, the listening ear and the nest you can always come back to
and you will always be a baby to me.


ladybird reba stroller review {part two}

Over the last few months we have been road testing the Reba stroller by Ladybird.
We have already reviewed it but since that review the beautiful girl has grown a bit.
And as she is no longer using it in the carrycot mode,
but in the 'big girl' stroller mode,
it seemed worth looking at its features again.


your twenty-seventh month

You were such an incredible kid.


{our beautiful story} week eighteen

sunday 28th april
big smiles for her daddy

monday 29th april
he even wakes up cheeky

tuesday 30th april
my favourite words on the nursery wall

wednesday 1st may
loving bath time at nanny's house

thursday 2nd may
big brown eyes

friday 3rd may
playing in the garden until bath time

saturday 4th may
 tv cuddles with daddy


thirty-two weeks new

You were such an easy, cheerful little baby.


i am your parent, you are my child

Author: Maryann K Cusimano
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