* going on Gruffalo hunts in the woods.
* Ben and Jerry's Clever Cookie ice-cream.
* having a boys day in Birmingham
* wifey's cowboy pie for dinner.
* getting more sleep
Mummy is loving
* going to the cinema to watch The Great Gatsby.
* being back teaching dance twice a week.
* watching the beautiful babies start to properly play together.
* lunch dates with my gorgeous man.
* full nights of sleep.
The beautiful boy is loving
* bouncing on any and all bouncy surfaces.
* sleeping in a proper big boy bed.
* seeing 'purple-bells'.
* slides, slides and more slides.
* meeting the Gruffalo.
The beautiful girl is loving
* screaming, screeching, shouting and generally making loud noises.
* tucking into some fingers of toast.
* sleeping.
* sleeping.
* moving around here, there and everywhere.
* belly tickles from her brother.