little tikes 3-in-1 trike review

The beautiful boy is one happy chappy.
He was sent a brilliant new 3-in-1 trike by Little Tikes to review
and despite the less than outdoorsy weather we've had lately,
he's really been enjoying taking it out for a spin.

For anyone not familiar with this sort trike
it comes with a handle to allow an adult to push it when little legs get tired.
But this particular trike does so much more than that.
It is called the 3-in-1 because it will take children through three different stages;
the parent guiding their riding,
them learning to ride
and then them riding independently.

There are little foot rests for the 1st stage,
they can then begin to use the pedals in the 2nd stage,
and in the 3rd stage they can use the pedals and the parent handle can be removed
making it a normal trike.

I think that any product that will take children through a variety of stages and ages is a good thing.
It means that he will only need one ride on toy to last him for a long time.
The trike would be suitable from when they are sitting up confidently
and remains suitable up until they out grow it,
so you could definitely get a few years of use out of it.

This particular trike also has a load of other features which make it great.
It has a steering wheel dashboard panel which makes sounds and lights up,
with this on your earliest rider can pretend to drive
and my little guy certainly likes anything with buttons to press.
It also has standard handle bars to hold
for once your child is learning to actually drive the trike.
The dashboard section is removable too
so it can be played with as a separate toy in it's own right
plus this means you can take away the distractions of the dashboard 
for when your child is learning to actually ride independently.
The trike also has a big box on the back for wheeling all your favourite toys around,
which anyone who has had a toddler will know,
is a much loved feature.

Nothing has been overlooked in terms of safety
and as well as a plastic bar which means they cannot easily fall out
there is also a harness to make sure that they are safely strapped in.
The footrests help to keep tiny feet away from the pedals and the floor
which not only saves injuries but also saves shoes from getting scuffed by being dragged on the floor.
Plus there is an adjustable sun canopy to keep the sun off of your little one
while they are busy cycling up a storm.

Finally, it's not just the child who has been thought about with this trike.
There is a good sized bag attached to the parent handle
for keeping those parent essentials in while you are out on adventures.

This trike makes a great alternative to a buggy for walks to the park
and would definitely be the more fun option.
The fact that your child can also be learning about riding a trike at the same time is a great bonus.

We were sent this trike free of charge for the purpose of this review
but as always, all photos, words and opinions are my own.

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