splodge and me at thirty-four weeks

Splodge's Size:
Splodge has reached the size of a large cantaloupe
and don't I know about it.
It definitely feels like space is at a minimum
but Splodge doesn't seem to care too much about that.

Splodge's Development:
It's just a case of growing now really for Splodge.
But he or she could be as heavy as 5lbs by now and up to 20 inches long.
With hair and eyelashes and finger nails,
my baby looks like a real baby now,
just small.

My Size:
My waist is measuring in at 42 and a half inches,
so I've only gained half an inch in the last fortnight
Although I would say that my bump feels considerably rounder and more solid now.

My Pregnancy Development:
I definitely feel like I'm on that end stretch now.
Splodge moves between being up high in my belly and making it hard for me to breath,
or being down low in my belly so that I have to fight hard not to waddle.
It's getting to the point where it's hard to get comfy
and that it now starting to affect my sleep,
which is a bit of a pain,
especially as I feel permanently tired now anyway.

My Body:
Between the enormous bump,
the fact I feel like I'm constantly running too hot,
the braxton hicks and belly pains
and the leg cramps and bad sleep
I am a prime example of someone in their third trimester.
That being said I still feel pretty well in myself most of the time.
My body is definitely letting me know when I need to slow down though,
and I feel like I hit a wall of exhaustion at about 4 o'clock every afternoon.
Napping when the little man naps each morning is becoming a necessity rather than a luxury.

My Appetite:
I'm still loving ice pops.
And avocados.
But also apples.
And big big glasses of cold cold milk.
Little and often is the order of the day now
because there just isn't enough room for big meals anymore.

I talked through my labour and delivery options with the midwife at my 34 week appointment
which definitely made things feel very real.
Luckily at this appointment she told me that I'm doing fab,
with low blood pressure and a head-down baby.
Although this little bubba is currently back-to-back just like their big brother,
and he gave me hell in labour,
so I'm sort of hoping that Splodge decides to turn around to front-to-back in the next few weeks.


  1. Wow you look really amazing! It's getting so close now isn't it? Eeeeeek!! I hated the feeling of being over full so quickly towards the end and being sooooo uncomfortable all the time. I was glad J was early even if it was only be 11 days! X

    1. Thanks. It does feel very close all of a sudden. And the full feeling is the worst. Would love for Splodge to arrive a bit early but I don't imagine I'll be that lucky. X

  2. You look lovely Lucy, your bump is perfectly in proportion. There really isn't long to go now is there? I can't believe it! How exciting! x

    1. It does all seem very near to being over all of a sudden. But those last few weeks are always notoriously slow, so it'll still feel like a while yet I'm sure. X

  3. Hope you are o.k. Not long now! How exciting!!!

    1. Yes, I'm doing okay thankfully. But glad I'm nearly at the end now as I'm definitely getting more uncomfy. X

  4. You have a lovely baby bump and not long now, I bet your getting really excited. Hope
    Splurge turns soon as I had a back to back labour and I know how troublesome it can be. X

    1. I am dreading another back-to-back labour like last time, but there isn't much I can do about it really. Except will Splodge to turn around in the weeks that are left. X

  5. Loving the bump. It doesnt look like you have put weight on anywhere bar your belly... moobag ;) x

    1. I was all bump last time, and fortunately I seem to be all bump again. And boobs! Hehe. X

  6. It's like you have a football under there! You look incredible! So exciting, I remember how I tried to made a list of all the things I didn't do with big boy as I knew small boy would be our last! On the countdown now! Enjoy these last few weeks just as a three! xxx

    1. Not sure if Splodge will be the last, but I'm definitely photographing and recording more of this pregnancy as I didn't do anything last time and I'd love it to look back on. And I definitely plan on making the most of our time left as a threesome. X

  7. Wow you seem to have really popped in the last week or so. I used to have the leg cramps in both my pregnancies so I really feel for you.
    I hope baby turns soon x

    1. I definitely feel like I've popped. And Splodge keeps experimenting with dropping down really low too. I absolutely HATE the leg cramps, especially as they ruin your sleep when you need and want it most. X

  8. Wow your pregnancy seems to be going really quick it doesnt seem like that long ago you announced you were pregnant! What a lovely bump you have too I reckon thats another boy x

    1. It's going quickly for me too, fingers crossed it carries on that way. And I think there is a 50/50 split on most peoples gender guesses now, we'll see in a few weeks! X

  9. Hey! That's quite a bump you've got and you look great! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yep, I'm pretty sure that it can't actually get much bigger because I don't think I'll physically grow anymore. :) x

  10. You look so well, what a great bump, I always loved Milk when I was pregnant too x

    1. I've been obsessed with dairy both times, but especially milk. I drink it by the pint and still want more. X

  11. Oh Lucy, you're blooming! Pregnancy definitely suits you! I love looking at your collage of pregnancy pictures and seeing how your bump (and hair) changes every fortnight! xxx

    1. Ahhh, thank-you. I really like looking at all the photos together for a comparison. Seems hard to remember ever being that small now. X

  12. Gorgeous bump! You really do look fantastic.

  13. Awww....you look fantastic Lucy. Being pregnant defintiely suits you. x

    1. Ahh, thanks. I'm not feeling fantastic most of e time, so it's nice to know that I don't look as rotten as I sometimes feel. X

  14. Your bump still looks so neat and high, you look lovely! Glad the beautiful boy is still napping, not sure how I would have got through the first few weeks without nap times and sure I will need them again! Good luck with the next 6 weeks x


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