a family story

My brother posted this old picture on instagram the other day,
an old picture of the two of us.
It's always been one of my favourite pictures
I think it sort of captures our relationship really well.

It was taken when were on holiday in Florida in the summer of 2004.
We were both probably a bit big to be going on such a kiddy sort of holiday
with our mummy and daddy,
as I was 20 and he was 17.
But actually it was probably one of our best Florida trips
because we were both old enough to really appreciate it.

It also ended up being our last family summer holiday.
The following summer I had graduated from university
and went on a holiday to New York with the hubby (then boyfriend)
and my brother was about to start at university.
So it was one great last holiday to go on as a four.

Anyone who has done the Florida thing in August
will know that every afternoon you are treated to a downpour.
The heat and humidity during the day builds and builds
until you end up quite looking forward to the rain,
especially as the sun always comes straight out afterwards.

This photo was taken during one such downpour.
I can't remember which theme park we were in that day
but I remember it being towards the end of the trip
because we weren't going to stop for the rainstorm.
If you could see us from the front
we're both holding our shoes under our ponchos,
because wet shoes stay that way all day
so it's just easier (and nicer) to walk barefoot for a bit while it rains.

I'm also pretty sure that if I you could see us from the front
that you would find us pulling some cheeky faces and conspiring something.
We were completely aware that either Mum or Dad would be behind us taking a photo
because they photograph everything
and are rather partial to a 'bum shot'.

I love this picture.
It kind of takes me back to that time just before you're a proper grown up.
Both my brother and I had come through that awkward teenage phase
of annoying each other and bickering constantly
and could actually enjoy each others company,
at least some of the time anyway!


  1. I do not think one is ever too old for that type of holiday! :) This photo ist just fab, love it.

  2. It's a great pic. And a lovely memory to be at peace with your sibling. I never understand families that constantly bicker as adults. What could I possibly have to argue about with my big brother?!

  3. Aah that is such a lovely picture and story! It is often the most unlikely photos that hold the best memories!

  4. Such a great picture, and a lovely story to remember. x

  5. Great picture and it sounds like a very special time.

  6. Ha ha! Such a great picture and a frabulous post.

  7. Sounds like a great holiday. I went on a very late one with my parents & siblings too and enjoyed it immensely.

  8. You're never to old for Disneyworld! We did the Florida thing when I was five. I don't remember much from that holiday, but I vividly remember the downpour and wearing the early 90's version of those rainmacks! :) x

  9. What a lovely memory! I can't wait to go to Florida again. I think you have to be that bit older to truly appreciate it.

  10. That brings back memories. Our last family holiday was Florida when i WAS 18 and I loved it! Yes i remember the down poors and the poncho's. As you were in Florida I would have been on my honeymoon as I has just finished uni that year and married on the 31st july! xx

  11. What a lovely photo. We still meet up as a family to go on roller coasters. They don't mind when I scream like a baby!

  12. Lovely photo, I have very happy memories of holidays with my brother and parents when we were 'too old'.

  13. I love that you were both barefoot in the rain. You both seem so relaxed and at ease. What a lovely trip down memory lane.


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